Waxing and Waning

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You thought you were a curiosity Chaeyoung was indulging herself in, but she did not immediately throw you away, even after you refused to answer all her questions. Instead, she stuck to your side like gum to the bottom of a shoe.

It was endearing as it was annoying. You were happy to have her as a friend, but you didn't like her talking to you while you were in the shower. As if communal showers weren't awkward enough!

Your newfound closeness worried Louise, even though you could argue that it didn't concern her. "Be careful," she told you at breakfast one day. No warning in specific, just, "Be careful," which didn't make a lot of sense. Chaeyoung wasn't dangerous... At least not to you.

"Don't be like that, Louise," Chaeyoung responded in a sing-song tone. "It's just like you said... Us Temperate girls need to stick together. Now all three of us can be buddies!" She crowded into Louise's personal bubble, throwing an arm around her shoulders to rein her in and firmly pressing her cheek against her own.

Louise wriggled in her grip like a snake but Chaeyoung's grip was too tight. Elizabeth had to step in and separate the two. "Girls, God is watching," she said ominously. More importantly, the other campers and counselors were watching. They wouldn't want to appear too close, lest they be mistaken for lesbians. What could be worse than that?

You stabbed one of your sausage links with enough force to break your plate in half. Elizabeth was none too pleased with you... But then again, when had she ever been happy with you?

"Wanna help me make a deity spell jar for Lilith?" Chaeyoung asked after breakfast. She said it so soft and low, like it was a secret offer meant only for your ears. It made you shiver, even though you realized she was really just asking you for a favor.

"If it comes from my body, you can't have it," you stated bluntly.

Ever since you became friends, she'd been asking you for all sorts of things for her spells. Some of the things were innocuous. You would grab a few garden clippings, some rocks from the bottom of the lake, etc. Other things were less so. Recently she wanted a lock of your hair, your nail trimmings, and -the strangest of all- your menstrual blood.

"It's nothing like that! At least, not this time. Today's first activity is crafts. Smuggle some mason jars and essential oils out to Temperance for me, yeah? The counselors won't let me have them because they know I use them for witchcraft."

That's how you found yourself in the storeroom during craft time, digging around for the materials she requested. You were reaching out for a box of little glass jars when your hand collided with another's.

You looked up and that's when you saw her.

She was just about the most adorable thing you'd ever seen. Her cheeks dimpled when she smiled. Her sun-kissed skin was speckled as a robin's egg, just absolutely covered in freckles. She had black hair styled in bantu knots and complex hazel eyes. You didn't see anything added to her uniform. That made her either unfashionable or a first-year like you.

She let out a surprised little chirp and pulled her hand away. "Sorry! You can have them."

"No, no... I don't need them all. You should at least take half," you persuaded her.

She blinked at you owlishly, like your kindness surprised her. "Oh, thank you..."

"Are you looking for anything else?"

"Yes, I'm looking for essential oils as well."

"Me too! What do you need them for?" You could guarantee she had a different purpose for them than Chaeyoung did. Could it be a better purpose?

"I'm making my own candles! The air in the cabins tends to go dank and stale," she said. She wasn't wrong. "So I keep a candle or two lit to uplift the smell of the room."

"That's a great idea! Do you mind if I join you?" You asked. Chaeyoung could wait. You were sure she would be ecstatic if you brought her back a votive candle for her little altar-in-a-jar.

"Sure, if you really want to. Why not?" She answered with a shrug. "But first, we need to find those essential oils..."


You spent craft time learning how to make candles from the cute girl whose name you learned was Delilah. She showed you how to melt wax, oils, and crayons over a double boiler to create candle wax, which you then poured into a mason jar with a wick glued to the bottom. It was a pretty streamlined process, so you were left with ample time to talk.

This was indeed Delilah's first time at camp. Her parents thought it would be a good way for her to make the right kind of friends. She didn't have enough of a spine to tell them she didn't want to go, so here she was. It was the same thing with the rest of her cabinmates in Fortitude. No one wanted to come here, but no one spoke up either.

"It's not so bad, though," she sighed.

"Not so bad? We have to go to a three-hour sermon every day or else they'll starve us," you argued.

"You've got a point... But at least I made a friend today. You," she answered in a soft voice bordering on a whisper. "You're nicer than I expected. My counselor said the Temperate were bad people."

You felt the corners of your mouth tick downwards automatically. "People at this camp are very quick to judge," you grumbled.

"That's true. I'm sorry they misjudged you." She started fidgeting, wringing her hands and shifting her weight from one foot to the next and back again. You had a feeling she wanted to say something else. You let the silence stretch between the two of you like a rubber band until, finally... "You know... We could always sit together at meals. I could sit at your table or you could sit at mine... Feel free to say no!"

"I was just about to suggest the same thing," you laughed. "Sounds like fun. How about you sit at my table at lunch and I sit at your table at dinner?"

"Sounds like a date! Well, not a date date, but a plan. Oh God..." She blushed as she repeatedly stumbled over her words. Your heart sped up at the word date, but you did your best to keep your feelings in check. She obviously didn't mean it that way.

"Sure, sounds like a plan!"

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