Chapter 7- The Rogue Bludger

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I squinted, to try and see what was hanging by the torch on the wall. When I saw what it was, I almost wished I hadn't, because Mrs. Norris hanging frozen by her tail, was not a pretty sight.

"Harry, that's Mrs. Norris. Is she dead?" I asked, not sure what to feel. The bloody cat had brought me nothing but trouble in the year I'd known her.

"I think so," he muttered.

We all took a few steps back and looked to one and other, all searching for answers. Finally, Sydney spoke up.

"C'mon," she muttered. "Let's get out of here."

"Shouldn't we try and-"

"No Hermione. We don't want to be seen here, let's go. Now. Come on guys get moving," I ushered.

But it was too late. I could hear the rumble of footsteps coming from the Great Hall, and I knew at once the feast had ended and students were sure to come by here on their way back to their dormitories. I groaned.

Happy chatter started to die out as students caught sight of the blood on the wall, and the dead cat. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sydney and I were in the center of it all. People started whispering, and pointing accusing fingers at us, most directed at me.

I noticed Bertram pushing his way to the front of the crowd, smirking. His eyes travelled across the wall, reading the bright message that was displayed in front of the entire school.

"Enemies of the heir beware. This means you mudbloods," Bertram smirked, his eyes focused on Hermione.

"Shove off Bertram," I hissed, getting up in his face.

"I'm thinking this message could also be directed towards you Potter," Bertram spat. "You are a Slytherin traitor. "

"I said shove off Bertram," I spat again, my glowing red eyes only inches from his own.

"Make me," he said, smirking.

"My pleasure."

I grinned and swung my leg around, kicking Bertram in the back of the knees, causing him to fall down onto his knees on the ground. I laughed.

"That's right. Kneel before me," I said grinning, and hearing Sydney's laughter behind me, I turned and we high fived.

"My father will hear about this!"

"What's going on here?" A cranky old voice said.

Filch made his way to the front of the crowd and stopped dead when he saw his cat hanging stiff on the wall. He turned a brilliant shade of purple, and looked around, his eyes landing on me.

"You!" he howled. "You killed my cat!

"Me?!" I spluttered.

"Yes you! What did you do you little-" Filch trailed off, edging closer towards me, a murderous glint in his eye.

I still had my wand out, and I held it ready to strike at my side, he inched closer towards me, and I was about to raise my wand when a voice broke the air.


Dumbledore was walking towards us, and I could see that his gaze instantly snapped towards us. I sighed when I saw McGonagall and Snape by his side.

"What's going on here? Oh my," Dumbledore said, catching sight of the dead cat, and reading the message on the wall. "All students return to their common rooms! Except for you five," he said, pointing at Harry, Hermione, Ron, Sydney and I.

The students cleared out from the hall, muttering about the heir, me, Mrs. Norris and us getting expelled. I sighed.

Dumbledore quickly walked right past the gang and I, and took Mrs. Norris down from the torch bracket, on which she'd been hanging.

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