Chapter 3- The Start of a Great Year

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Summer went by too quickly, and summer at the Burrow was soon over. On the last day, Fred, George, Sydney and I set off Dr Filibuster's Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks throughout the kitchen, while we all sipped our mugs of hot cocoa happily.

We were then shooed off to bed by Mrs. Weasley, who insisted we'd need an early start the next morning.

We were woken early the next morning, and the house was chaos. Everyone was running around, carrying half eaten pieces of toast, Stripes, Hedwig, Errol, Hermes (Percy's owl), and Bartholomew were squawking at the top of their lungs, cages being jostled. Demetrius, the Weasley's new owl, came flying in the window, with a letter from Hogwarts, saying they'd never gotten an answer from Ron.

Ron scrambled, to find a quill and parchment, while everyone else did last minute packing. Mr. Weasley got the flying car ready, but all four wheels were on the ground. I went to throw my trunk in and wondered how all seven trunks were going to fit in the car.

"Not a word to Molly," Mr. Weasley ordered, as he cast an undetectable extension charm on the inside of the car.

I easily slipped my trunk and Otto's trunk into the back, the inside of Otto's trunk was so big, I'd managed to keep him in there, and a secret from the Weasley parents, and prefect Percy. I ran back inside and flung my shoes off, having forgotten my broom.

We had managed to get everyone inside the car, and were just driving off when Ginny squealed she'd forgotten her diary. She ran back into the Burrow and we were off, Mr. Weasley arguing we could get there faster if we flew.

We drove quickly to King's cross, and hurried in. We made it to the barrier and Fred and George ran through, then Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley who guided their daughter through. Harry and Ron ran and... crash! They smashed into the brick wall where the barrier should've been.

"Why won't the barrier let us through?" Ron wondered, as he and Harry collected their stuff, Hedwig screaming.

People were watching, muttering about animal cruelty and pointing to Hedwig's cage, which lay sideways on the ground. I hurried to pick up Hedwig, and quickly quietened her.

"I dunno," Harry replied.

"Four, three, two, one, it's gone. We've missed the train," I groaned, my eyes glued to the clock.

"Let's go and wait by the car," Harry suggested.

"That's it Harry!" Ron exclaimed. "The car!"

The boy's faces brightened and they looked to us excitedly. I stood, one eyebrow raised, and Sydney tapped her foot against the floor.

"I'm not going with you," I said, Sydney nodding in agreement.

"How are you two going to get there then?" Ron questioned.

"Well I don't know about Sydney, but I'm flying. Not in a car, on a broom."

Sydney jumped in excitement and we went out to the car, Sydney and I grabbing a broom, Harry and Ronald jumping into the car.

"Have fun," I taunted.

Harry and Ron started the car, and took off, quickly hitting the invisibility booster. It faltered right before disappearing above the clouds.

"Did you see that too?" said an amazed muggle, walking over and pointing to where the boys car had disappeared. I glanced at Sydney nervously.

"See what?" I lied.

"The car! There was a flying car!" insisted the muggle.

"I assure you Madame, there was no flying car."

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