Chapter 10- The Duelling Club

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In potions the next day, Sydney had a great prank planned, and for the first time, it wasn't for nothing. I was sitting patiently beside Harry, waiting for the right time to give Sydney the signal. Snape was still giving the instructions, so I knew it was a bad time.

I waited quite patiently, not making too much of a racket, or causing too much attention to myself. I felt quite like a Ravenclaw, to be honest, sitting and being an angel student, and working hard. Harry and I had made quite a perfect potion so far, and we could have passed off as Hermione.

Halfway through the lesson, when everyone had already started the potion, I knew it was a good time to give Sydney the signal.  I moved my arm and pushed my textbook, which was lying open beside my cauldron, onto the floor with a loud bang. I bent down to grab it, muttering a few 'sorrys' for effect. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sydney grab a Dr Filibusters firework out of her pocket.

She tapped the firework with her wand, and with perfect aim, it landed in Goyle's cauldron. Once it went off, the potion started to fly everywhere. Snape ran over to where Goyle sat a few rows behind me, and I took it as my chance to get up and run into Snape's personal stores.

I ran around as quickly as I could, grabbing everything we would need. I could hear screaming from in the classroom, from all the students who had been hit with the swelling solution. I stuffed all of what we would need into my pockets. In only a minute's time, I had collected everything we would need, and I ran to the door.

Am I clear? I asked Harry in my head.

He's still at Goyle's cauldron.

I ran back into the potions classroom and slid into my seat. Snape indeed was still bent over Goyle's cauldron, but it seemed the firework had burnt out, as the potion had stopped flying. Snape, with a look that could kill, looked to Harry and I when he pulled the twisted remains of the firework out of the cauldron. Everyone had fallen silent by now, watching carefully with ears or hands twice the size usual.

"If I find out who did this," he drawled slowly. "I shall do everything to make sure they are expelled."

I cast a wary glance to Sydney across the classroom, my pockets seeming to weigh more than they had before. I sighed, knowing it was worth it if we were to figure out who the heir was. Maybe, even if Snape did find out it was us; we wouldn't be expelled if Bertram was the heir.

"Everyone who was hit, come to my desk. I have the reversal potion."

I couldn't hold back a laugh as Bertram ran by with his hands over his face, unable to cover his nose which was three times the side of usual. Ron ran up, one of his ears weighing his head down. Goyle had gotten the brunt of it, and his head was the size of a microwave oven.

Once everyone had sat back down, Snape scanned the scene once more. I put on what I hope looked like a confused look, but Snape saw right through it. His black eyes were locked with my eyes, which I had shifted to look like my mothers for the day. I was sure if I had left my eyes in their natural state, like my fathers, I would have been expelled on the spot.

Snape simply raised his eyebrows, and turned away. I let out a breath, and turned to Harry. I smirked, and he shook his head, muttering something about Slytherins. We finished the potion, which was perfect, according to Snape (saying this to Harry seemed to cause him both mental and physical pain). 

The bell rang soon after, and we all gathered up our textbooks and supplies. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, hoping it seemed less obvious that my pockets were stuffed full. I felt all the potion ingredients, and shot one last wary look to Snape, who noticed. I gave him a smile, to which he nodded.

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