Chapter 17- The Acromantula

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"We need to get the hell out of this plane," I said, no longer worried about living with the Dursleys, but rather for Ginny's safety. "Tom is using Ginny."

"Didn't notice that one," John muttered sarcastically, as we both watched Ginny walk into the main part of the chamber, eyes void of any recognition or emotion.

"We can't do anything for her right now except get the hell out of this chamber and try and get information onto the other plane. Harry's getting close," I said, as John and I began to run out of the chamber. "I'm going to see what he, Ron and Sydney are up to. With both Hermione and I petrified and the school threatening to close, they're not going to be sitting back anytime soon. They'll be heading to Hagrid's soon."

"Alright. I'll search Dumbledore's office through the restricted books. I'll look around for an answer as to why you could see me. If you could see me, maybe someone else can see us," John said as we climbed a pipe back into a school bathroom. "Meet me back in your room in the restricted section tonight."

"Got it."


I arrived at the Gryffindor common room just as the door was opening and shutting, with no one stepping in or out. I quirked an eyebrow curiously. The curiosity was short lived. A great, invisible force nearly knocked me to the ground. I stood quickly and reached forward, my hand coming in contact with the familiar feeling of the invisibility cloak. I laughed.

I was able to follow Harry and Ron only by keeping a hand closed around the invisibility cloak. They, as I suspected they would be, were heading for the Entrance Hall doors. It wasn't a quiet journey, however. The invisibility cloak simply hid them, yet they, unlike I, still existed.

The corridors were brighter and busier than I had ever seen them at this time of night. Multiple times Harry and Ron would round a corner and come within mere inches of walking directly into a Professor or a Prefect. They were lucky that the one time they did collide with someone from around a corner, it was The Fat Friar. The Friar looked around, and finding no one, continued on his journey.

There were no more close calls after the incident with the Friar. Ron and Harry made it to the Slytherin common room where they picked up Sydney. It wasn't long after that before they made it outside. I let go of the cloak once making it out the Entrance Hall doors, figuring I knew where they'd go from there.

I made it to the door of Hagrid's Hut before the trio did. Upon arriving on Hagrid's doorstep, they removed the cloak, and Harry knocked loudly. What they were met with was not what anyone was expecting.

When the door was flung open, they found themselves staring at the end of a crossbow. Sydney and Ron both jumped. Sydney's yelp of surprise only added to the noise being created by Fang the boarhound's loud barking. I stepped back subconsciously, though I was sure I was unable to be harmed.

"What's that for?!" Sydney said somewhat angrily, stepping into the house uninvited.

I knew what it was for. After being framed for opening the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago, I was sure Hagrid was scared of being shipped off to Azkaban. I surely would be. I felt sorry for the half giant. Hagrid, as I expected, didn't tell this to them however. He didn't even bother with an excuse before offering to make tea. None of the trio had even been able to respond before Hagrid was bustling away distractedly.

In an attempt to make tea, Hagrid had nearly extinguished the fire with the amount of water he spilled. Afterwards, he smashed the teapot, and eventually had forgotten to add teabags to the water. Sydney, Ron and Harry were served mugs of boiling water.

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