Chapter 18- Escape to the World of the Living

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I found myself unable to speak suddenly. My eyes were still locked with grey ones in shock. John nudged me hard in the ribs, and the breath I was forced to release seemed to dislodge the words from my throat.

"You can see me?" I croaked, eyes widening impossibly more.

"Of course I can!" He looked offended, a scowl coming over his pale features. "I'm not blind."

"I hadn't thought so," I sneered like a true Slytherin. "But as you mentioned, I'm petrified. I've been stuck on this damned plane for months and no one could see me."

This statement seemed to shock him out of a retaliating argument. Instead, his next words were sincere.

"Why can I? And who's your friend? I've seen him before. I thought he was but another young ghost, but I've seen him few times."

John looked surprised.

"This is John, he was petrified inside the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago. We're stuck here, and you're our only hope of getting out."

"Excuse me?" John interrupted, grabbing the parchment from my hand and glancing back down to the name he'd been pointing at and trying to get me to read. "But your name is truly Princeton Van Taverner, is it not?"

The Baron narrowed his eyes. "That is for Slytherins to know, and Slytherins only. Lily! I had your word!"

"Princeton," I groaned, rolling my eyes slightly. "It's the end of May. I've been petrified since December. A lot comes up in conversation when you're stuck on a plane where no one knows you exist."

The Baron said nothing. I sighed, the ghost really was very stubborn. He was always one to get into small arguments over everything with the Slytherins. He seemed to accept my apology, however, for he floated closer and spoke after a moment.

"Yes, my name is Princeton," he said, shooting me yet another returned glare. "Why do you ask?"

"You were petrified last time the chamber was open," John said, glancing once again at the parchment he held tight in his hand.

"Yes, however, it was mistakenly. The beast had been going for the muggleborn behind me. It was quite the same situation as Nicholas and the Fletchley boy. I do not know anything about the Chamber of Secrets, though."

"That's okay! You can get me out of here!" I said, practically jumping out of my shoes with excitement. The Baron seemed taken aback, but accepted what I'd said without a word.

"What about your friend here? John?"

"I'll be here for a few more days, but Lily has the knowledge to catch the heir and get me the hell out of here. I was here for fifty years, I can wait a few days," John said with a smile. I felt bad for leaving him once again, after he had already suffered fifty years alone.

"Well, I'm here to help, I suppose. What do you need?"

First thing was first, I needed to get back into my body, and out of the hospital wing. Without a word, I beckoned for the Baron to follow me. John, the Baron and I set off through the dungeons to the forgotten potions cupboard that I'd found during my wanderings. It was really hidden quite well; down a hidden corridor, through a portrait door into a hidden unused classroom, and tucked in the very back corner. I'd only been able to find it after following Peeves to the corridor, where he'd gone through a doorway to a cupboard full of boxes of dungbombs that I was sure belonged to him.

The Baron looked around the setting or the hidden corridor. "I've been in this corridor a few times before, but Peeves is very territorial of his cupboard."

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