Chapter 20- Back into the World

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McGonagall, still shocked, led us into her office. The first noise was Mrs Weasley's cry as she and Mr Weasley crushed Ginny in a hug. I wasn't focused on that though, but rather on the pride sparkling in McGonagall's eyes. I actually flushed beneath her gaze. McGonagall chuckled at this.

I was distracted when all Ron, Harry, Sydney and I were somehow all hugged by Ms Weasley at the same time. "You saved her! You saved her! How did you do it?"

"I think we'd all like to know that," McGonagall said.

John's body was sent to the hospital wing. Everyone was ushered into chairs, though I took my preferred seat on the floor in front of the fire. Then we began to talk. For nearly a half hour we explained. First went Harry, telling about his discoveries as he'd experienced them. He started with the disembodied voice and ended with my awakening. I spoke next, explaining my own experience with John, and all the discoveries we'd made while petrified.

"Very well," McGonagall said, offering me a glass of water. I drank it greedily, having not experienced the simple action of drinking water for over five months. "You made it into the Chamber of Secrets, breaking about a hundred school rules along the way, I might add-"

"I was petrified!" I argued. "I don't think school rules apply!"

McGonagall actually laughed. "I suppose. But I must ask, how on earth did you get out alive?"

Harry then went on to explain about Fawkes' arrival, and the delivery of the sorting hat. He told them about how he'd pulled the sword, which I was vaguely aware I still held in my hand, from the hat. Then he stopped, shooting a worried glance toward Ginny. He'd not mentioned the diary yet, and didn't look like he had any intention to do so. He was saved by Dumbledore.

"What interests me most is how Lord Voldermort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources tell me he is currently hiding in the forests of Albania."

Mr Weasley was unable to believe his ears. He stuttered over word after word, bringing Ginny even closer to him and Mrs Weasley.

"It was this diary," Harry said, pulling it from where it was still stored in the sorting hat. "Riddle made it when he was sixteen."

I opened my mouth to speak about how it was a horcrux, but I stopped. Most people knew not about the existence of horcruxes, and many who did were dark witches and wizards. Not only that, but I'd have to admit to snooping in Dumbledore's office. I kept my mouth shut, deciding it was best to mention this to just Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Brilliant," Dumbledore said, taking the diary from Harry's hands and studying it much like Riddle had done with my wand. "Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen."

I frowned, offended not only for myself, but for Hermione and the countless other exceedingly intelligent and brilliant students I knew at Hogwarts. McGonagall, noticing this, suppressed a chuckled and mouthed the words 'one of them'. I grinned.

"Very few people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom Riddle," Dumbledore said, causing my attention to turn back to him. "I taught him myself, fifty years ago, at Hogwarts. He disappeared after leaving the school, travelling far and wide. He sank very deeply into the Dark Arts, consorted with the very worst of our kind, underwent so many dangerous, magical transformations that when he resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, he was barely recognizable. Hardly anyone connected Lord Voldemort with the clever, handsome boy who was once Head Boy here."

"But Ginny," Mrs Weasley said with wide eyes. "What's Ginny got to do with... with him?"

"His diary!" Ginny sobbed, exploding into a fresh wave of tears. "I've b-been writing in it and- and he's been writing back a-all year!"

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