Chapter 9- History of Magic

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"Lily. Lily wake up!" Neil whisper yelled, shaking my arm.

"Neil, chill, what is it? Is it over?" I said, raising my head off the desk and looking around our History of Magic class.

It wasn't over. Nearly half the class was asleep, the other half, daydreaming. Everyone except for Hermione, Neil, Sydney and I. Though for Sydney and I, it wasn't really by choice. Why had I chosen to sit beside Neil again?

History of magic was by far the most boring class I'd ever taken, even having gone to muggle school. The class was taught by an old ghost called professor Binns, who sounded quite like a vacuum. Admittedly, the class wouldn't be nearly as boring without him. Not that I wanted to learn about a dead wizard named Sir Orman Lansley Caldwell, who had been the first wizard to make a wand out of Oak wood. Rumour had it that Binns didn't even know he'd died. He'd simply gotten up to teach one day, and left his body behind.

"Sydney wake up! You can't just sleep through class!" Hermione exclaimed quietly, awaking the animagus.

"Hermione, please," Sydney mumbled, blinking her eyes open. "I love you and all, but you're being really annoying. Let me sleep."

"I know how you feel Sydney," I whispered to my friend, who was in the desk in front of mine. "Neil won't let me sleep either."

"Guys come on what's with you two bookworm goody-two-shoes?" Sydney whined. "This is so boring, I want to sleep."

"Hey, being a bookworm doesn't make you a goody two shoes," Emily whispered from the desk beside us, looking up from her iPod which she held out of sight, under the desk. "I like books and I'm amazing, okay? I'm not like these two goody two shoes."

"We are not goody two shoes!" Neil exclaimed. "It's just important to pay attention in class. It's actually very interesting."

"It's actually very not," I muttered. "I don't care about all these dead people doing boring stuff. I don't care who first made a wand out of oak."

Neil rolled his eyes and turned back to the front, where Professor Binns was still droning on and on. I pulled a scrap piece of parchment out from my bag and began to sketch, when something very out of the ordinary happened.

When Hermione's hand went up in the air, I quickly blinked in shock. Everyone had a similar reaction. Neville's elbow slipped off the desk, Harry raised his head off his arms, Dean Thomas jerked out of his trance and looked away from the window, even Draco stopped throwing paper airplanes at the back of a poor Gryffindor's head.

Professor Binns looked up in surprise. I had a funny feeling no one ever interrupted his lesson, even when he was still living. Every student was too busy sleeping, daydreaming, or anything they could find to pass the time (unless, of course, you were Hermione or Neil).

"Yes, Miss-"

"Granger, sir. Hermione Granger. I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about the Chamber of Secrets."

At this, my attention was fully caught. I raised my head attentively, waiting for Professor Binns to continue. I'd been trying to find anything I could about the Chamber of Secrets, but had come up with nothing. Hermione had already kicked herself for leaving her copy of Hogwarts, a History at home.

Binns paused. He seemed to be muttering to himself quietly, floating back and fourth across the front of the room, pacing. By this point, I was waiting with bated breath, leaning foreword on my seat.

"Not interesting?" Neil said from beside me, a huge smirk crossing his face.

I turned to him and opened my mouth to argue, but closed it seconds later. I didn't want to interrupt Binns, for once. I huffed, and did nothing but turn back to the front, ignoring the smug smirk glued to Neil's face. Professor Binns had stopped pacing and was now facing Hermione.

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