Chapter 15- T.M. Riddle

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I stumbled back, nearly losing my balance. Harry was unaffected by the collision that had nearly knocked me off my feet, and kept walking alongside Ron. He obviously hadn't been told what had happened as of yet, as he smiled and laughed as he, alongside Ron, headed towards the Great Hall.

I followed the two Gryffindors, and John followed me. They'd only made it to the entrance hall when they were stopped by McGonagall. She had a peculiar look on her face, and I could almost hear her silently cursing Dumbledore for giving her this job.

"Misters Potter and Weasley!" she called tentatively. "Could you come with me please?"

Sydney was already standing at her side, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Harry cocked an eyebrow at Sydney, who simply shrugged her shoulders. They all obeyed without a word, however, and followed McGonagall through the corridors.

I followed alongside the group, although unknown to them. John trailed a few feet behind, and I encouraged him to step up the pace. He took a spot beside me. We were led to the hospital wing. I could see worry growing on my friends' faces, and Harry's eyes darted around as if looking for something. I realized slowly that it was probably me.

"This will come as a shock," McGonagall said in a gentle voice that I had only heard her use once before. "But I assure you-"

Harry burst through the door as if to confirm his suspicions. His eyes moved right passed Hermione's cot, which still had the curtains drawn around it, and right to where my body lay. He stumbled toward it. When he'd reached the cot, he actually fell to his knees.

No one made any move to help him up. Ron had paled, and Sydney had grabbed his hand for comfort (though I was sure she'd deny it later on). Harry's forehead rested against the side of the cot now, and as I moved closer, I noticed he had tears dripping from his emerald eyes.

My chest contracted. I knew he wouldn't be able to feel it, but I lay a hand on his shoulder, feeling it shake as he cried. No one commented on the tears falling down the face of the young boy. Sydney eyes shone as well, and Ron had by now brought Sydney into a full on hug.

It took a few moments for Harry to compose himself, but when he had, his eyes shone with a rage I'd seen him possess few times before, every time when I'd been hurt. Once had been when Vernon had 'accidentally' shut my wrist in a door after I'd caught a mouse in my basement and put it in Dudley's room.

The rage I saw in Harry is one we both had, only for each other. I'd experienced it before too, also due to the Dursleys. Harry had once clambered up a tree to avoid a beating from Dudley, and a branch had snapped and fallen right on the youngest Dursley's head. Dudley had gone crying to his parents, and Harry had been pulled down from the tree by his ankle and sent to his cupboard. I still remembered the sickening crack.

"How did this happen?" Harry rarely yelled. Instead his voice was quiet and dangerous. His eyes had hardened, and his fists had clenched so tight that his knuckles were white and his nails caused his palms to bleed. "She's not even a muggleborn."

"Harry-" Sydney tried to offer, but he had already turned away. His eyes were locked on my body's wide open hazel ones.

Moments of silence followed. McGonagall was shocked at the behaviour of the youngest boy. He didn't move at all, as if he had been petrified himself. Sydney and Ron had separated, and Ron had taken a step forward and put a hand on Harry's shoulder in a comforting gesture. I had to move out of the way to make room for it. Harry shrugged it off roughly.


"Leave me alone," Harry said suddenly, cutting Ron off.

Shocked glances were bounced between the two students and their professor. Even Hermione, who was only a few cots away, and had been watching through a small opening in the curtains, gasped in surprise. Harry turned around to face them now.

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