Chapter 13- Back to Square One

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The potion tasted worse than the meals that Vernon Dursley cooked the few times that Harry and I had been relieved of said duty. I was sure it was going to come back up as fast as it had gone down, and so I ran into the stall, hoping dearly that I would be wrong. I slammed the door behind me, and heard three others do the same.

I doubled over as my stomach did flips, and felt suddenly as if something were crawling around inside me. My skin burned, and I watched as my hands stretched to become Blaise Zabini's. Once I was sure I was fully Zabini, I stepped out of my stall, coming face to face with Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson.

Goyle was examining his ugly face in a cracked mirror alongside Parkinson, while Crabbe stood just outside the stall he'd obviously been in, examining his enormous hands. I stooped down to tie the shoes that I'd gotten to fit Zabini's feet.

"Hermione," shouted Crabbe as I stood. I couldn't remember if it was Harry or Ron. "Come on then!"

"Go," Hermione said, the door to her stall not moving. "Go on without me."

"Hermione we all know Millicent Bulstrode is an ugly troll," I snickered. "But no one will know it's you!"

There was a pause. "No really, go on without me. I'll be fine."

I glanced down at my watch I'd needed to resize to fit Zabini's wrist, that was slightly bigger than my own (though it was no where near as big as it had been when I'd stolen it from Dudley). I watched as our precious 60 minutes ticked away, and offered a sideways glance to Parkinson, who wore Sydney's every present ghost of a smirk.

"We'll meet you back here then," I said, pointing to my watch when a sharp look was shot to me by Goyle, who could have been either of the Gryffindor boys.

Hermione didn't respond. Harry, Ron, Sydney and I quickly exited the bathroom without Hermione, and began our decent to the Slytherin common room. We walked faster than usual, knowing that we only had sixty minutes before we'd turn back to ourselves, and we'd already lost five arguing with Hermione.

I wondered what we'd do next if we discovered that Bertram was the Heir of Slytherin. Surely it would take more than just our word to convince anyone, just as it had when we tried to prove that Snape was trying to steal the Philosopher's stone, even though we had been wrong. I'd been listening to the echoing thuds of Crabbe and Goyle's feet in thought when Crabbe gave a shout.

"Hey!" He said, his eyes locked on Percy Weasley. I figured now that this was Ron. "What are you doing down here?"

"I am a Prefect, as you surely know," Percy said. "You all should be headed back to your common room, it's nearly your curfew."

I watched as Sydney rolled her eyes. Percy's eyes darted in that direction, but he said nothing of the action. Percy, as much as I loved the Weasleys, was a real pain when you were trying to sneak around the corridors at night.

"There you are, Crabbe, Goyle," a voice said.

Bertram was strutting up to us. His eyes met Percy's and narrowed. "What? We've done absolutely nothing wrong. Move along."

Percy, after deducting five points from Slytherin for disrespect, left us to our business. Ron, gave a sigh of relief.

"Let's go then. I guess you two managed to drag these two away from their food finally?" Bertram laughed, glancing at Sydney and I. He didn't even give us a chance to answer before moving on. "That Weasley is a pain in my arse. What's his name? Peter, Price?"

"Percy," Ron said, too quick for Crabbe.

"Whatever," Bertram seemed not to notice as he waved it off. "It makes no difference to me. One Weasley is just as bad as the next. Filthy blood traitors, the whole lot of them."

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