Chapter 5- The Memory

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Ron, Harry, Sydney and I had eagerly snuck out of Defence, and were now wandering the quiet corridors. All students were in class, so it was just the four of us, and the occasional student. We ended up outside, where we sat in the grass, the cool fall breeze causing my black hair to ripple in the wind.

Ron, Harry and Sydney were having an argument over who would win the Quidditch House Cup, and just the House Cup in general. I tuned them out easily, shuffling off a few feet away, and laying back in the grass.

I watched clouds float by, leaves float down off the trees and the surface of the lake ripple in the wind. The wind whistled in my ears as I lay back, eyes closed. I saw the blackness of my eyelids as I basked peacefully in the calmness of the Autumn air.

Thoughts I'd managed to forget over the past two weeks managed to forget, came back. The dreams that had haunted me at the Dursleys started to haunt my mind once again, images flashing through my mind. I wanted to open my eyes, but it was as if I couldn't.

We walked right into the black flames. I could feel them licking at me, but it didn't hurt. We soon entered another room. The mirror of Erised stood in the middle of the room. This is where Dumbledore had hidden it. In front of the mirror was not Snape, nor Voldemort. It was Professor Quirrell.

"Quirrell? But Snape..." Harry stuttered. Quirrell laughed.

"Oh yes, Severus. He does seem the type. But no, it's not Snape," Quirrell said staring us down.

"Well no, it's obviously not Snape," I sneered.

"Well it's not just me," Quirrell said with a grin.

Suddenly a small figure walked out from behind the mirror and went to stand beside Quirrell. They had their hood up and were dressed in all black.

Sadie pulled the hood down off her head, and grinned slyly. But it wasn't a Sytherin sly grin, it was evil. She looked up at Quirrell and smiled.

"Did you need me father?" she asked sweetly.

I desperately tried to push the horrid memories out of my mind, but I couldn't. Sadie's smirking face continued to flash through my mind. Hissing cruel insults, not directed at me, but at my brother, my friends, even my parents.

I knew what was coming next. Ever since I'd seen Voldemort's face, the dream had started. Night after night I relived the worst night of my life. The worst night of Harry's life. I didn't know if I'd fallen asleep, or somehow, I just couldn't open my eyes. But I was stuck. Stuck in my own thoughts.

I laughed as my father waved his wand, conjuring ribbons of colourful light, which swirled through the air, around me. I reached up one tiny hand to grab it, only to find my hand went right through. I kept trying, laughing loudly as I did. Mom laughed, baby Harry sat in her lap happily. He didn't look too interested in the colourful light ribbons; he looked more interested of the thread sticking out of the arm of the couch.


The house rattled, and another bang came from the door. It shook, and shook, as bangs continued to echo throughout the house. Mom and Dad stood, both poised to attack, wands at the ready.

"It's him! Run Lily! Take Harry!" Dad yelled.

He walked closer to the door, and Mom gathered the raven haired boy into his arms, and hurried towards the stairs, leading to the bedrooms. Dad stopped her suddenly.

"Lily, I love you. I love you and Harry and Melody. Never forget that. Never forget," he said sadly.

Mom reached her hand out towards her husband, before securing Harry against her chest and running up the stairs. A door slammed and Dad turned back to the door way.

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