Chapter 2- Summer at the Weasley's

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"Fred!"I laughed running to the window and pulling it open.

"Hey Lils, we're here to rescue you," he said with a mock bow.

"Finally, my knight in shining armour," I joked.

Harry was awake by now and stood by the window beside me. Fred grinned at Harry and threw us the end of a rope, the other end being tied to a car in the yard, which was hovering a few inches off the ground.

"Tie that to the bars!" he instructed.

I obeyed, and Fred leaned into the window of a car, which hovered a few inches off the ground, leaned out with a grin, and the car sped forwards, taking the bars with them.

"C'mon get your stuff," Fred urged and we threw our stuff out into the yard.

It took only a few minutes for us to grab our stuff. In our rush, we had to leave behind the paint, posters, rug, and lamps. I knew we'd face some harsh consequences when we returned, but left that problem until next year. Maybe, if Dobby would let people owl us, we could get our friends some food that the Dursley's surely wouldn't be giving us.

Once it was all safely tucked in the trunk, I grabbed Stripes and Otto, who was wide awake, and Harry grabbed Hedwig.

I jumped out of the window, right behind Harry and Otto, and landed in the damp grass of the back yard. Ron sat in the back of the car with Harry and I frowned. Ron just shook his head, and moved up to the passenger seat, after much argument from Fred.

Eventually, I ended up squashed between Harry and Fred in the backseat, the Owls flying outside ready to take off (the cage locks having been picked by Fred and George), Otto lay at my feet, fast asleep again.

We drove off into the sky.

Harry and I told the Weasleys of Dobby the house-elf. They listened intently sometimes making small comments such as 'hmm' or 'odd'.

"Definitely Dodgy," Fred mused.

I yawned and watched Stripes soaring outside Harry's window. I blinked, fighting to keep my eyes open, but it failed. I rested my eyes against Fred's shoulder and slept.


I awoke in Fred's arms, being carried to the house. Still tired and not wanting to walk, I pretended to still be asleep, staying limp against Fred's warm chest.

They tried to sneak back into the house, but suddenly stopped dead.

"Car gone! Beds empty!" I heard a shrill voice that could only be the Weasley's mother.

As the boys got lectured, I managed to fall asleep again and awoke only when Fred started to move. I opened my eyes and realized we were moving towards the house. I smelled food as soon as we entered the house.

"Food!" I grumbled pathetically.

"Of course," Fred chuckled, his chest vibrating at the action. "Only just woke up and you're thinking about food."

He set me down on my feet and I swayed and fell back into his arms again. I tried to stand, but still being half asleep, I was dizzy.

"Not very steady on your feet there?" he whispered.

We all ate surprisingly quickly, wanting to get away from the fuming Mrs. Weasley. Fred and George stood first, yawning.

"We'll just heading off to bed then," George muttered, sending a weary glance to his mother.

"Absolutely not! It is your own fault you were up all night! Go de-gnome the garden, off with you!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked at her sons. She turned to Harry and me. "Harry, Lily, dears. You can go sleep. Harry you can head off to Ron's room and Lily... well I'm not sure. Do you want to stay with Ginny?"

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