Chapter 12- The Main Ingredients

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"Sir," I tried. "You must know I've only the knowledge of any second year. However even if if my knowledge were greater-"

"I will stop you here, Ms Potter," Dumbledore smiled. "Now, although I am aware that your knowledge and power surely is much greater than that of most second years, I know that you did not do this."


"Lily, the events unfolding in this castle now are very dark magic, that no second year could possibly be preforming. I do not in any way suspect you to be behind this."

I used a tactic mimicked from the man standing before me. I scanned his face with my eyes, trying to decipher just what was going on. I mean, surely he didn't still think I was innocent? Not with what everyone was saying. I, the Slytherin parselmouth, was the heir of Slytherin, attacking muggleborns. The rumour has floated throughout the entirety of the castle.

"No?" I tried, trying to reassure myself and giving Dumbledore a chance to change his mind and decide that I was to blame.


"Okay," I said slowly.

An insistent, constant knock echoed throughout the marvelous room. I found myself once again mesmerized by the trinkets lining the walls and floating throughout the room. Dumbledore seemed to notice my gaze wandering, because he chuckled.

"Take a look around, Lily. I'll just be seeing who's urgency has arrived on my doorstep."

I nodded without word, and let my feet carry me around the office, finding bottles filled with silver wisps, portraits of past headmasters that tipped their hats to me as I passed, floating orbs of unknown functions, bookshelves full of books that I wished I could get my hands on, and muggle trinkets such as telescopes, microscopes, and even simple things such as yo-yos and lightbulbs. Some of these muggle trinkets were enchanted, a harp played itself in the corner, reminding my of the events of my previous year, while a snow globe snowed continuously, as a snowman waved from inside.

"Sir, it wasn't her! I was just with her!" I heard as a certain black haired boy practically threw himself through the door as it was opened.

I heard Dumbledore's light chuckle. I turned to find Harry had fallen on the floor in his urgency. His face was red, and Dumbledore watched with amused eyes as Harry picked himself up and met my eyes.

"Lily? I thought you were here because of Justin."

"I was. He doesn't believe I did it," I paused, adding a hasty "not that I did."

Harry looked relieved, but confused. "So what are you doing then?"

"Exploring. With the explicit permission of the headmaster of course. Come here, I bet you've never seen the fields at this view before."

Harry came to stand at my side as together we glanced at the fields of the schoolyards newly covered in a fresh coat of snow, reflecting sparkling sunlight. Harry grinned. I knew he loved the snow, as did I. A benefit of our school being up in the mountains was the snowy winters. We headed out of Dumbledore's office soon after, thanking him for allowing us to explore his office.

We wandered down to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where I stopped to chat with Myrtle about the pranks I tended to pull with Fred, George and Sydney. I agreed to stop throwing stinkbombs into her bathroom if she'd assist us in letting us know who was in which bathrooms by travelling through the pipes. I noticed Sydney had stuck her head out to eavesdrop. The two of us also discussed our making a Polyjuice Potion in her bathroom. Myrtle agreed not to tell anyone once I explained the circumstances under which we were doing it. I bade farewell to Myrtle as she dived into one of the pipes to rest.

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