Chapter 6- The Voice

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Harry and I roamed the many corridors of Hogwarts after dinner, trying to prolong the arrival of Lockhart's detention, in only two hours. I dragged my feet and crossed my arms, using my hair to curtain my face, so no one could see my eyes growing scarlet, not wanting to go to detention with Lockhart. I mean, I would've preferred anything over a detention with Lockhart.

"I don't want to go!" I complained to Harry for the hundredth time.

"Too bad. It's not like I want to go either," Harry retorted.

I sighed, and as it often did, my thoughts drifted to Mum and Dad. I thought about the memory I'd had, and suddenly a question entered my mind. What happened to Moony and Padfoot?

"Hey Harry? Do you know what came to Moony and Padfoot after, y'know, our parents died?" I pondered aloud.

"No I've never really thought about it to be honest. Reckon we should ask?"

"Sure, let's stop by Dumbledore's office," I said happily, continuing my path towards Dumbledore's office.

Once we arrived, I realized there was a password to Dumbledore's office, a password I didn't know.
I groaned, and leaned against the wall in defeat. Suddenly, the stone gargoyle stepped aside to reveal Professor Severus Snape.

"What are you children doing hanging around here?" He sneered.

Without waiting for an answer, he strutted off. The gargoyle was slowly moving back into place, and I gave Harry a look, that clearly said 'run'.

We ran towards the stone gargoyle, sliding in just before it closed. I looked to Harry, and gave him a fist bump, laughing.

We ascended the stairs to Dumbledore's office, and once we were up, Harry knocked on the grand oak door.

"Enter," we heard from inside.

Harry and I stepped into the office, taking a minute to marvel over the intricate contraptions spinning through out the room.

"Hello Lily, Harry," Dumbledore said, smiling.

"Good evening Headmaster Dumbledore. We were wondering if we could ask you a question," I said.

"Ask on," he replied.

"Well you see, I had a question about our Godfathers, Moony and Padfoot," Harry said for me. "We were wondering what happened to Moony and Padfoot, and if we could ever see them again."

"I see. Well I'm sorry to disappoint your Harry, but 'Padfoot' will not be visiting us, anytime soon. No, he's not dead, but he is in a place, where he doesn't belong. But that, my dear boy, is a different story, for a different time," Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling madly. "As for 'Moony' you will meet him soon. Not as soon as you'd think, but soon enough. Patience, is a key to wisdom, and wisdom, will let you know when the time is right."

"Thank you sir," I sighed. "Goodnight then."

"Goodnight children," Dumbledore said to our retreating backs.

Harry and I, now down with the fact that we didn't even have our Godfathers to look up too, headed back down the halls and started walking again"

"Hey Harry, you wanna stop by my common room? It's not far," I said, pointing down the hallway.

Harry shrugged and walked towards the dungeons. We trudged along slowly, with the now one hour left until we had detention.

I muttered the password and the stone wall slid away, and Harry and I sat by the fire.

Soon after, Sydney walked in with Theodore, and they walked over to us.

"Hey guys," Sydney said, noticing our faces. "What's going on? Come on, spill it."

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