Chapter 11 - Justin Finch Fletchley

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Everyone was avoiding me. Whether it be in class, the halls, the Great Hall or even the Slytherin Common room. The only upside I could see to it was everyone seemed to be that at least now I wasn't having to dodge first years, or taunting from Bertram or Bulstrode or crew. Bulstrode closed the curtains around her bed as soon as she entered the dorm every night, which I couldn't complain about, Bertram all of a sudden seemed to find taunting first years a lot more interesting than he had two days earlier, and the chatty first years hadn't been seen in days.

Although I didn't mind a bit of peace and quiet, Harry seemed to be quite sullen about it. He sulked up and down the corridors quietly, while everyone tossed suspicious glances in our direction, before tucking behind their hands and whispering accusing words.

Heir of Slytherin

Why killer was one of the names Harry and I had been labelled had yet to be understood by myself and my friends. No one had died, and hopefully no one was going to.

Harry wasn't taking it all too well. I didn't quite mind, and Fred and George seemed to find it quite hilarious. With their "make way for the Heir of Slytherin" shouts echoing everywhere I went, it was hard for me not to smile.

I did understand why Harry was so upset though. Justin wanted nothing to do with Harry. He didn't want anything to do with me either, but it didn't bother me that a boy who didn't particularly like Slytherins in the first place turned the other way when he saw me. Harry had been Justin's friend Emily had told me. They had talked in Herbology  multiple times, and Emily had said they seemed to have a good time.

So I tried to find it in my heart to be patient with him. It wasn't working all too well, I wasn't a patient person. On Harry's third day of sulking, I snapped.

"Oh come on, Harry! It's not that bad. I mean listen..." I stopped and fell silent.

"I don't hear anything," Harry muttered.

"Exactly! No Bertram! No annoying little first years trying to chat your bloody ears off!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. But no one will talk to us either. Might as well be back at the Dursley's. Does it not bother you that everyone is whispering about you behind their backs?"

Without saying anything, I stood from my spot on the armchair of the Gryffindor common room, and walked to where Harry sat opposite me. Harry rolled his eyes at the cunning smirk that played across my lips. I walked behind the wooden chair he sat on and tilted it forward so he fell off, landing smoothly on his feet. He sent me a glare, but I waved it off.

"Come, young grasshopper. I'll teach you what to do about that."

I led Harry out of the common room, and he followed reluctantly. We wandered the corridors until we found a group of Hufflepuffs. They were talking about Harry and me in a tight circle.

Hufflepuffs were the most weary of us. We had set a monster after one of their housemates after all. They stayed in tight knit groups and whispered and muttered every time Harry or I showed our face anywhere in the castle. They especially liked guarding Justin, crowding around him like a flock of birds.

I sometimes wondered what they planned to do if the Heir and and their monster did go after the poor Hufflepuffs. I mean, what could they do, friendly them off? Hufflepuffs weren't exactly the type of person I could see fighting off Slytherin and their monster. A Gryffindor was brave, they could do it, or a determined, ambitious Slytherin. Even a Ravenclaw would probably use their unlimited wisdom to find a way.

But I guess that's why Hufflepuffs travelled in groups. Groups that talked, which is exactly what I wanted. I motioned for Harry to hide around a corner, and I changed my appearance enough to walk by the Hufflepuffs without notice. I changed back one I got behind them.

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