H.P.T.S. and The Prisoner of Azkaban

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Thanks, everyone, for actually taking time to read this. I honestly can't believe that anyone does. So thanks again.

I will be posting another book, Harry Potter's Twin Sister and The Prisoner of Azkaban, soon. Chapter one will be up for 09/12/17. Prisoner of Azkaban was always my favourite, so I'm quite looking forward to it.

A quick sneak peak, if you'd like:

The train jolted to a stop. My trunk slid off the rack, but still having been weary of the part-kneazle sitting not two feet away from me, I still had my wand out. Within a second I'd stopped the trunk, and levitated it back onto the rack. It was then that all the lights went out at once, tossing us into darkness.

"What's going on? Have we broken- ow! Ronald!" Sydney said loudly.

I saw the faint figure of Ron moving toward the window, and then wiping the film opaque condensation that covered it. The small circle in which the outdoors was barely visible did nothing to help light the compartment.

"There's something moving out there. I think people are coming aboard."

I heard the sound of the door sliding open. I gripped my wand even tighter, pointing it toward the door. I got ready to shoot a curse when I heard the sound of Neville and Ginny's voices. Moments later, Crookshanks hissed at something (that could have easily been me), followed by a few painful yelps.

"Oh for Salazar's sake," I said, waving my wand. "Lumos."

Ginny had appeared at the door, and Neville was lying face down on the ground. Harry pulled Neville up by the robes. Ginny took a seat, and finally, the sleeping Professor woke. When he stood up and the light in my hand illuminated his face, younger than I had expected, my heart contracted.

Standing before me now was a face all too familiar to me. I pushed down the feeling I'd felt begin to rise, casting my eyes to the door in order to focus on the situation at hand. The train had never stopped before, and for all we knew it could be Sirius Black getting on right now. The Professor took in the wand that I held.

"Here, take these," he said in a hoarse voice. "They're brighter, and your wand will be free."

So without a word I extinguished the light on the tip of my wand and accepted the handful of flames being passed to me. My wand now clenched tightly in my opposite fist, ready for other uses. I stood up defensively.

The door slid open before he could reach it.

The dementor was worse than anything I could have ever read about. At it's horrid appearance, my grip of my wand tightened incredibly and suddenly, causing a jet of unknown effects to blast from the end and scorch the wall between Hermione's legs. I didn't turn to apologize.

My eyes were locked on the thing that should only be from nightmares. It towered over us all, making it even more intimidating than it already was. Its face was nearly completely hidden by its hood, and I had to thank Merlin for this. The hand that it had used to slide open the compartment door however, was sticking out from under its cloak. I nearly lost my stomach at the sight of the grey hand, that looked like it had been slowly decomposing for hundreds of years. The dementor drew in a rattling breath, sensing, I knew, the fear that gripped the compartment.

All at once, things plummeted. An intense cold swept over the compartment; water bottles froze, Crookshanks whined, and the windows frosted. Harry's eyes began to roll back into his head. The happiness was sucked from the air, but I was left not with any sort of sadness. No, I'd trained myself to push that emotion away for good after the events of first year with Sadie Quirrell and the nightmares I'd started getting  last year. Then there was the screaming- my mother's screaming, and my father's courageous shouts of defiance against the Dark Lord himself.

That's all for now, I'm afraid. Anyway, thank you again for reading, and I hope that you'll enjoy the next one as well.


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