Chapter 4- Quidditch Tryouts

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Two days later, was the Quidditch team tryouts. I stood at the front with Adrian Pucey by my side. He was the only one who had his place sealed on the team. Around fifty Slytherins stood in front of me, from ranging years. According to the list in my hand there were sixty three students here, assuming everyone showed up. There were very few seventh years however, one being Graham Montague, who had played on the team last year.

"This is the first of three Quidditch Team tryouts!" I screamed over the loud voices. "There are sixty three of you, and seven players on a Quidditch team, and seven backup players. Now, if you were on the team last year, don't get your hopes up, that doesn't mean you'll make it this year."

The sixty three hopefuls chatted amongst themselves quietly. I recognized a few of them, Sydney was there, Bertram had also showed up, along with his two followers, Crabbe and Goyle, in fourth year, Talon Norway in fifth year, Wislow Salvador in fourth year, Ocean Roberts in fifth year Graham Montague, Terrence Higgs and Adrian from last years team, and a bunch more.

I wondered where Lazarro was. He was only in his fifth year last year, so surely he stuck around for his sixth, not to mention he still had his seventh next year.

"Adrian," I said, turning to my left. "Where's Lazarro?"

"He didn't want to be on the team, said so himself. Said if the team was going to be coached by a Slytherin Traitor, he didn't want to be on it. Stupid if you ask me," he hissed, speaking harshly of the Spanish boy.

I shook my head in disappointment, he was a good Beater no doubt, and Flint had gotten to him with all his 'Slytherins are better than Gryffindors and any Slytherin who says otherwise is a Slytherin Traitor'.

"Form groups, Chasers here behind Graham Montgue, Beaters here behind Vincent Crabbe, Seekers here behind Porter Callahan, and Keepers here behind Joseph Mellor."

I left the hopefuls to chat, looking over the list clutched in my right fist. We only had six Seekers, hoping to become the backup players, as they hopefully knew the spot of seeker was sealed. There were and outstanding twenty nine Chasers, there were thirteen Keepers, leaving fifteen Beaters.

"Okay!" I screamed, bringing the attention back to me. "All you Chasers, go with Adrian."

"Why? Is he automatically on the team?" one fifth year girl argued.

"Yes, he is a very impressive player, has been on the team since second year, and I want him on the team, so if you have anything to say about that, leave," I stated.

No one left, but the fifth year Chaser shot one more glare at me before stalking off after Adrian, who was heading off to the other side of the Quidditch pitch. Being a Chaser was the one position I couldn't play at all. I was okay at Beater and Keeper, and I was one of the youngest Seekers in a century.

"Okay now, all you Beaters, grab a Bat, Seekers, Keepers, you'll have to wait a minute," I instructed.

All the Beaters grabbed a bat, I sent them up into the air, and released eight Bludgers, and instructed them to keep the Bludgers away from the practicing Chasers. I watched carefully and one first year could barely swing the bat, and won himself a broken arm. I sent him to the hospital wing, crossed his name off the list and watched the remaining Beaters.

Then I sent the Keepers up to the hoops, and had Adrian try and score on them. Each Keeper got three tries. Two of them missed every time, and I crossed their names off the list. Most blocked, two, or all, of the shots and flew down happily.

For the Seekers, I sent one up at a time, and timed how long it took each Seeker to find the Snitch. The timer was automatic, and was attached to the Snitch. Each seeker was to come to me, and report their time.

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