The Day Before Hell

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(Lori's pov)

I was watching the movie, but I was thinking about how beautiful it is that Maria is there. It's easier for me that she's there, because I'm safer when I'm not alone with Tom. I think Tom behaves nicer now that she's around.

It was such a good feeling in a hug with Tom. And if I felt fear towards him, I certainly felt the same next to him. It was snowing and it was cold outside, but I felt warm next to Tom. I was thinking about my family, I want to see them. I know Lucia is asking me now to play with her. Dad and I would watch the morning program. I must admit that I was most attached to my mother, I missed her warm hands and her gentle words the most.Yes, I said that I was falling in love with Tom a little, but I still hate him. He kidnapped me, took me away from my loved ones. I wanted to go home, to my family, but I couldn't leave Tom again. I can't run away anyway, Tom would find me or worse, raped me again.He ran his fingers through my hair, it comforted me and I liked it. I wanted his touches, but not when he pulls my hair and hits me. I love his gentle kisses on the cheek or on the neck.

The movie ended. Tom went to the garage to fix some device, and Maria and I stayed in the house. Maria and I talked and had fun. She was a similar person to me and I liked that. The more we got to know each other, the more I liked her company. I told her, but quietly, how Tom kidnapped me. I didn't even think about her Maxim at the time, since he is a policeman and I could help, but she didn't remember either. She understood me. I told her that Tom raped me, I started to cry and I told her that he took away my virginity, that I had no one before him. As I told her about it, I cried and began to hate Tom more and more. She hugged me and started to cry a little with me.I didn't want Georg to ever find out that she cheated on him, Maria would probably be killed then. She is my only friend now and I don't want to lose her.

The rest of the day went well as well. Maria and I joked and had fun all day and Tom didn't mind us at all, which pleased us. It was 1 o'clock in the morning when I went to bed, because Maria and I drank some beer and watched some horror. Maria went to sleep, and I snuck into Tom's room again and settled down next to him.He was sleeping, he didn't even notice me. He was facing me, and I snuggled up next to him. I leaned on his chest again and fell asleep.

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