Don't Play

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(Vanessas pov)

I got into a taxi and headed for the Tokio Hotels house. I love Bill, he's always meant a lot to me, but I seem to be losing my feelings for him, and I need Claudia's closeness more and more even if I don't know her that well.I looked out the window, it was still snowing and it was afternoon. I wish I could stop my feelings for Claudia, but I can't. I love her so much, but I hate her so much, because she enchanted me and somehow I distanced myself from Bill.I would not like to end up like Maria. She was a very good friend of mine. Only when I remember when Lori told me what Tom did to Maria, my stomach turns.Maria had such a beautiful soul, she was always positive and happy no matter how much she didn't love her life. I remember when she and Georg were just dating, they were so sweet, and later she became strange.That's exactly what happened to me and Bill. I'm in a relationship with him, but my heart wants someone else,but again I can't leave him, but I can't hate Claudia.

(Loris pov)

I got out of bed. Tom's face was buried in the pillow, and his cheek on the pillow was blushing.He was sleeping so sweetly, and I had to put my face close to his and give him a little kiss on the cheek.He didn't open his eyes, but he just laughed a little. I got out of bed and got dressed, remembering how we fell asleep last night. I slipped out of the room and went to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and tied my hair in a bun.I took a shower and then left the bathroom and went downstairs. No one had gotten up yet, except for Bill, who was sitting at the kitchen smoking a cigar. His gaze was to the side and he was pensive and traveling through his thoughts.

I went down slowly, watching him, and then said to him in my hoarse voice, "Good morning!"He quickly turned his head towards me and sighed closing his eyes "I thought it was Vanessa." he said, opening his eyes again with a slight smile on his face. I raised my eyebrows and asked him "Is Vanessa here?"He put the cigar back in his mouth, shook his head, and then said again, "No, she hasn't been coming for a few days."I mumbled something, and then I came to the table and sat next to him and asked him "Is everything okay with her or not?" He quickly raised his eyebrows and looked to the side saying depressed "I don't know."I nodded my head and sighed, and he looked at me and asked, "Well, do you want me to make you some tea, you're a little hoarse."I shook my head and answered him "No need, thank you."

As I got up to go to the fridge to get something to eat, Tom's footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and he called out in his relief voice, "Wow, who did that to us earlier?"I looked at him, and his beautiful eyes were staring at me, and I just smiled shyly. "You remembered to get up." said Bill.He stretched out his arms, while his bare chest strained. He smiled at me, and I turned my gaze back to my plate of bread.He came to the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Bill, and I went back to Bill and Tom and took a bite of my piece."You didn't make it for me." said Tom, leaning against the table and looking at me with his glazed eyes.I looked at him and then smiled, raising his eyebrows, "Sorry, I didn't know you were going to get up." I didn't know how to talk to him nice and loud when he was so sweet and irresistible. I blushed when I felt myself shining in his pupils.He smiled and stretched his shoulders towards me. "It doesn't matter." he said in his warm voice, while leaving a kiss on my cheek with his soft lips.Someone rang the doorbell, Tom removed his lips from my cheek, and Bill got up from his chair and went to open it.

(Bills  pov)

I went to the front door and opened it. It was my beautiful Vanessa. My eyes lit up when I saw my light, my Vanessa. I hadn't seen her for a few days and I needed her so much.

"Hey love, I missed you so much." I said walking up to her and gently grabbing her face. I left my lips on hers and kissed her. She pulled away a little and with a weak smile and voice said "Hey." I smiled. feeling weak now, because I noticed that Vanessa looks strange and different.She looked somewhere behind me and asked "Is Lori there?" I took a breath and looked at Lori sitting in the kitchen and turned back to Vanessa and told her "Yes she is in the kitchen." She didn't come because of me but she she just wanted to see Lori.I slipped aside so that Vanessa could pass by me, and she just ran into the kitchen, and I just sighed and closed the door."Hey Lori." Vanessa said much happier as she ran to hug Lori. Lori settled down and ran to hug Vanessa as well.I slowly went back to the kitchen and sat next to Tom. The four of us were talking, but I noticed that Vanessa seemed to avoid talking to me, but only to Lori and Tom.

"Well, I thought you and I were going to the club tomorrow." Vanessa said to Laurie at one point, and I looked at her a bit confused, and Tom added "Alone or?" Vanessa nodded and looked annoyed. "Yes Tom, do you have a problem".Tom raised his head and frowned a little, and Lori said "I'll go." Tom grabbed her elbow and said "You're not going anywhere." Vanessa pulled Lori away and said "Tom relax a little, take it easy, it won't be shit. She won't be locked up here forever."Tom was visibly annoyed, but he let Lori go to the club tomorrow. Vanessa never had a fight with Tom, but now it seemed that she was very angry with him and she seemed to avoid talking to me and she seemed to avoid looking at me.I don't know what happened to her, I would like she to tell me.

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