Part 13:

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"So, when are mom and dad coming home? Do they even know what happened?" I ask Zack, getting cereal out of the cupboards and outing it into the bowl.

"They don't know. I didn't think you'd like that. They come back next month. But they'll only be here for a few days, then they go back."

Them being away is weird. Is this job permanent? Can I get emancipated?


He hands me the milk and shrugs his shoulders.

"I think they're staying there. For maybe a year.. Or two. That's what dad said last time he called."

"How'd you pull off lying to them?"

He laughs and says, "I'd put Tay on the phone. I told them that you swallowed a bobby pin and hurt your vocal chords. But that you'd get it back soon."

That's actually really good. Especially for Zack. He's not the best at lying. But when he does it, it's a job well done. As much as Taylor and I hate each other. That's actually a really nice thing for her to do.

"Tell her I say thanks. But that's all i'll ever be needing from her. Ever."

"Hay. Be nice. I'm always nice to your boyfriend."

"That's because you've always been friends."

He puts up his middle finger then walks up to his room. Slamming the door shut.

I finish up the bowl of cereal then head down to my room to change.

Speaking of parents. My phone rings caller ID says momma.

Me: Hello?

Mom: You got your voice back! That's great. It's about time.

Me: Yeah.

Mom: How've you been? Are you enjoying your last week of summer?

Fuck. I was in a coma all summer.

Me: Yeah. I guess. Not really ready for school yet.

Mom: You'll have fun. It's your last year of high school. You'll make the best of it.

Me: I really hope so.

Mom: You will. Anyways, I have to go. I was just checking in. Bye sweetheart. Love you.

Me: love you too mom. Tell dad Zack and I say hi and that we love him.

Mom: Will do. Bye.

Last week of summer.. That sucks...

Especially because the first thing they ask when you get back is "What'd you do over summer?"

I mean think of it, 'Ms.Merrick, what did you do over your summer vacation?' And I'd respond with 'Well I got into a really bad car accident and spent summer in a fucking coma. Anyone wanna beat that!?'

They'd probably all look at me as if I was crazy. Not that I've never gotten that look before. But first day back, it would not be a great feeling.


"What if I do online this year?"

Tori rolls her eyes, "You're stupid. This is senior year. You have to go to real school."

"But, I don't feel I could handle it."

She blows up on me. "Fuck off Hayley! Because at least you can go to school. At least you can remember everything from after 9th grade. I mean, come on I have a dead fucking boyfriend that i don't remember. Dani dragged me to his funeral you know that? It was practically like taking me a strangers funeral. Then this lady goes up to give her speech and goes 'Victoria, Alex loved you very much. Out of everyone in the world you were his number one.' And I just stood there. I felt nothing, I didn't know who that was. I don't know him. I'm just glad I know who you and Dani are."

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