Part 17:

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I light up a cig and check the time. 2:30 AM. I wake up because the pain comes back to my head, pounding against my skull.

I have a missed call from Chris, five from Tony and eight from Cam. First I call Tony. He tells me that Chris had tried to fight Cameron earlier that night, but when he wasn't able to he told both of them that he'd hurt something the three of them loved.

I didn't really get that part until Tony said the only thing they all have in common is lacrosse and me, but you can't hurt a sport...

He said that after that Chris went home, because he had a meeting with his parole officer.

After the talk with Tony a shiver was sent down my spine. This guy is psychotic, why would you say that to someone. He shouldn't be messing with Tony or Cameron in the first place, and what the fuck are you doing trying to fuck with both of them!?

The lights in the kitchen are on so I walk upstairs to see who's there.

Chris is looking inside my fridge, "I love Ben and Jerry's, Half baked is my fave. I'm glad you have it."

I don't say anything. I just stand there, goosebumps popping up all over my body. I put the cigarette butt in the ash tray on the kitchen table.

How the fuck does everyone get into my house!?

"Smoking is a nasty habit Hay. I'd hate to see you go because of something so small, I'd prefer if you went out with a bang." He says walking towards me.

I make a run for the door, there's barely any light out on the street. All I have is my cellphone light. I call Cameron while I'm running. Thank god for emergency contacts.

"Cam... Chris... He was in the house... I.. I'm running... I don't know where to go.."

He asks where I'm at and I tell him running north up to our old grade school.

There's rage in his voice. He tells me to stay low-key and not talk to anyone until he calls me again.

But I get a call from Chris, like I was told I don't answer. Then he texts me.

"You can run, but I can easily find you. Don't worry though, I'm not chasing after you. Tell your boyfriend he won't keep you forever."

It's humid as fuck and the sprinklers in the school yard go off..

I don't understand why he wants me so bad. I'm not that great. Why would anyone want to be with me. It's insane. I'm a terrible person, honestly.

About half an hour later Cameron finally gets to the school, running into the playground. He's wearing his black Nirvana shirt, black jeans and gray vans, hair being pushed back by the air.

"Are you okay? Where the fuck is he? Did he run after you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay. Soaked from the sprinklers but I'm fine. He didn't chase after me. He sent me a text..."

I hand him the phone and he has anger in his eyes. Jake comes out of the car, "don't do anything stupid man."

"He's going to hurt her if I don't get him first!"

I've never seen him so mad, it scares me. I take a step back from him.

"C'mon Hayley, we're going to my house."

"I want to go home." I say quietly.

"If you go back there he'll get you! Fuck, is that what you want!?"

Jake gets closer and gets hold of my arm, "Calm down dude just stay with her."

"No, she has to come with me!" He holds out his hand. "Let's. Go. Hayley." He says in between his teeth.

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