Lover's Abroad [Future Book]

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[A/N: Future Book part's won't have a second part]

"Dearest reader, with the new season beginning there are quite a few young ladies making their appearances; some from last year but, there is one that may show themselves among the others this season. The young and beautiful lady from abroad, not much is known to me about this new lady who comes to London. Only her bloodline is of the rarest and pure of all, would this young lady be of royal blood? Or a very wealthy duchess searching for her duke?"

The writing of lady Whistledown was the most famous here in London and reading it within the carriage ride was a good read, but I sighed when putting the pamphlet down on my lap I glanced outside watching the world go by.

"When should we arrive?" I asked my maid Ella Brook about when we needed to arrive at my aunt's house for this season to find a husband.

"About In two hours milady" the coachman answered from where he sat in front of the carriage driving it to my aunt's.

I sighed for a moment, glancing outside seeing we were passing some stalls covered in trinkets that looked cute; I couldn't help but open my purse to see how much coin I have brought with me which was enough for a small shopping trip before arriving at my aunt's.

"Could you stop here please" I called out to the coachman who obeyed me.

Stopping the carriage, I opened the door and hopped out not waiting for the door to open since in New York I never let any of my father's servants help me with much, mother always taught me to do something's by myself if the time was needed. Walking out in the live streets was like stepping into one of the old romance novels set in London, seeing many new people was always amazing; I walked up to one of the stalls that was selling some lovely feathers and scarfs; maybe I could send something's back to my siblings in New York. Picking out some scarfs in their favorite colors, I also picked out an older style pipe for my father he did smoke sometimes but he collected pipes and adding another would be fun, once I bought these, I turned around to return to my carriage, but I seemed to have bumped into someone.

"Apologies" I said when steading myself against the person's arms that I grabbed out of instinct to hang onto something.

"No need, I should be apologizing" his smooth and gentle voice made my green eyes look up into his brown eyes that reminded me of rich honey.

His dark brown hair was neatly done with some curls in the front; his face was handsome very handsome indeed almost like he could be a general or a duke. Knowing I was staring I cleared my throat and slightly backed up a bit giving off a curtsy.

"Thank you for not letting me fall" I said with a warm smile while looking up at him once more.

"Of course, I'm Anthony Bridgerton" he slightly bowed his head before offering his hand for me to take.

I thought he wished to shake hands with me but once I touched his hands; he brought them up to his lips to give my hand a gentle kiss which made my heart skip a beat and make my cheeks blush from the touch of his hot lips against my gloved hand.

"Pleasure to meet you miss?" he said once lowering my hand raising a brow since I have yet to give my name.

"Oh, Angalena" I snapped out of my stare once more telling him my name.

Anthony gave a warm smile to my name, honestly, he looked even handsomer when he smiled like that it filled my stomach with butterflies; this feeling must have been what mother was telling me about when she met father at my age well, she was a bit younger than I since I am twenty-four now and being the eldest in my family of nine other siblings back home in the states.

"Milady we shouldn't be late" my coachman called out to me breaking me away from Anthony's eyes.

"Oh of course, thank you again and pleasure to meet you as well; I shall be off, and I hope we might see each other once more" I said remembering where I had to be right now, but I had an hour to spare thank God.

"Maybe it would be possible" he said to me while he helped me into my carriage making me smile again before he closed the door allowing it to start moving again.

I couldn't help but smile warmly and a bit bigger now with a small giggle escaping my lips still feeling my heart fluttering from the feeling I felt around him. If only mother could see me now, I'm sure she would tease me to no end; being not a very strict mother made it more fun growing up not that I or my siblings were brats we were just allowed to be children.

Finally arriving at my aunt's, I felt a bit nervous since this would be the very first time, I have ever met her really; my mother gave up her royal title when she married my father a very rich businessman for trading good between countries and rarely did, they speak to each other but somehow father got a letter from my aunt about my season even though we didn't do that in America. Stepping out of the carriage my things were taken in by the servants while I was escorted through the many halls of the large palace, seeing the many paintings and golden trims were something like a fairytale; I hope I don't screw this up for my family.

"Lady Angalena Lemonton of Collshire your majesty" the footman announced me when I walked into the room of many living rooms, I am sure.

 And there she sat my aunt, queen Charlotte herself looking proud and very beautiful in her purple gown and jewels to match along with her very large wig with feathers. She held so much power that I could feel it coming from her and I respect her greatly for this big opportunity she has giving me and my family. I curtsied in front of her slightly having my head down afraid to make eye contact thinking I would mess things up if I did so.

"Let me see your face, my dear" she said to my when she stood up from where she sat.

I held my head up with pride trying to show I was completely nervous around her when she held a stern but yet gentle look on her face when looking at me from head to toe; like I was some kind of statue or painting to be looked upon in a museum.

"You look just like your mother at this age, I hope you are ready for the challenges the season has to bring" she spoke gently when remembering my mother who I missed dearly; before she changed the topic for the season.

"Indeed, I am, majesty" I said showing some confidence since I had much to learn about London's season for young ladies.

"You may call my aunt; we are family after all; I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here overseas, come along there is much work to be done" she pointed to me before walking off with me right behind her along with her right-hand man and ladies in waiting following us down another hallway in this palace of hers.

She was right I had much to learn about what to say and not do since my upbringing was freer with how I answered young men who wished to court me; I already knew the basics from school and such, but the dancing and language was something new since you could still, hear the accent from New York in my voice. This will be a big challenge indeed and I only hope that I can make my family proud for making a good match for myself here in London in their new season. 

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