Complicated Love [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future book views won't have a second part; characters will be from the marvel series of Thor but with a twist of actual Norse Mythology gods and goddess and their tales]

The hall was filled with the grandness of decorations, the flowers were of the finest from Frigga's gardens across Asgard; the finest food displayed for those to eat and enjoy along with the best wine and mead Asgard offered. The people wore their best armor or dresses, giving the illusion of a sparkling sea of gems in the sunlight, today was a special day indeed for the oldest prince Thor and his wife Sif; their daughter Thrud born six days ago was given a grand welcome to the royal family just like her older brother's Modi and Magni before her. 

Being among these people was still unsettling to Loki, displayed in his best armor of gold and green; the look of boredom didn't escape some lookers who spoke to him, oh he was pleased for his brother and his growing family, but it didn't feel the same. Though Loki had a family of his own, but a family that could not attend nor wish to; his lover of many years Angrboda didn't feel welcomed, nor did she think the children odd as they be. Odin spoke to Loki many times that he could bring his three grandchildren to Asgard since he and Frigga only have met them a handful of times and wished to see them more than they did now, but Angrboda was hard to convince of the allfather's way. So here Loki stood alone watching Thor and Sif from afar with bright warm smiles on their faces while Sif held their daughter in her arms while many guests congratulated them of another heir to the throne. Taking in a deep breath, Loki took one last swig of his wine before approaching his brother and sister-in-law with a fake but convincing charming smile on his face.

"Only two hours in and she's exhausted" Loki joked seeing his niece was out like a light leaning against her mother's chest with her mouth slightly opened.

"Yes, the excitement and people will do that" Thor chuckled with his brother who kept his charming smile on.

"But where's are my niece and nephews? Modi and Magni have been asking" Thor glanced around the room to see if he can spot Loki's little ones, his sons were very fond of them since they liked to play, and Thor enjoyed seeing them.

"Unfortunately, their mother didn't wish for them to come this evening; stubborn to no end" Loki sighed remembering very well how that conversation went with her three days before the event happened.

"Ah, well I know we've had differences but maybe she'll see differently soon" Thor gave his brother a firm pat on the right shoulder trying to lift his spirits.

Loki could only nod at his brother's words not aware of the person walking towards them, the sound of clicking heels caught Loki's attention bringing his eyes to the person walking towards them. The sight lavender silk caught his attention, the skirt of the dress showed off her silver heels and draped in the back; his eyes trailed up see the silver armor covering her stomach and chest tightly like a corset; her shoulders were covered by silver plates like wings while a fur cap that reached the floor flowed behind her looking like it was made out of red fox fur; she wore golden bracelets with the symbol of the Valkyrie on them. But once his eyes met her face, Loki felt like he was hit in the chest with a spear, her fine smooth pale skin reminded him of a pearl smooth and clear; her makeup done very light, but it brought out her crystal blue eyes like the stars in the night and her hair. Her hair was held up high in a neatly braided bun, her bangs framed her face beautifully the light of the room created the illusion of her hair to made out of the finest gold of all of Asgard or the nine realms combined; on top of her head was a small helmet the tips of the silver helmet looked like wings but look closely enough they were actually fox ears.

"Prince Thor, lady Sif; congratulations with a daughter she is a fine beauty" her voice was just as soft and smooth like a harp, Loki thought he was going to die from a heart-attack with how fast his heart was pounding against his chest.

"Ah, lady Sigyn and Theoric; thank you for coming here" Thor spoke with excitement at the two standing in front of them, not giving Sigyn or Theoric a choice with a hug.

Sigyn was a little taken back with the hug from Thor before he moved to her fiancé Theoric who gladly hugged Thor, they were also like brother's that fought against many monsters' side by side.

"Oh, I do believe you haven't met my brother; Loki, this is lady Sigyn a fine Valkyrie not to mention a goddess and her husband to be, sir Theoric the captain of the Crimson Hawk" Thor backed away from them before turning to his brother who locked eyes with Sigyn who looked at him like she was studying him somehow, it sent pleasant chills through his body.

"Prince Loki" Theoric spoke giving him a bow out of respect knowing his manners but gave Sigyn a gentle nudge when she wouldn't do the same as he eyed Loki like an enemy.

"I've heard a lot about you prince Loki" Sigyn spoke with a cunning yet charming smile while never blinking not even once if Loki was right, he could hear the sarcasm from her when she said prince.

"All good I hope" he tried charming his way with a bright smile, that only made her chuckle at his little charming games.

"We'll go with that" she fired back which made Thor laugh heartly at their little banter.

"I had a feeling you'd both get along, come Theoric let us drink" Thor spoke with his smile on his face before putting his hand on his friend's shoulder, dragging him away to drink with the warriors three just a few feet away.

"Lady Sif, enjoy your day, prince" Sigyn turned her attention to Sif bowing her head as did she before glancing at Loki giving that same tone as before walking away from them.

Loki never looked away from Sigyn until he lost sight of her in the crowd, she seemed to walk with such grace and power; he honestly didn't know what came over him when he saw her, how long had she been there? Did he even meet her and never noticed until now? So many thoughts of what ifs were rushing through his mind, but one thing is for sure; he knew he had to have her.

"I know that look, please control yourself of whatever mischief you want to do" Sif spoke up seeing the look she knew too well from the prince.

"I can't make a promise I don't intend to keep" Loki gave her a smirk showing his mischief mind working ideas in ways to get Sigyn to be his or his alone or perhaps another lover under his wing.

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