Kylo Ren x Reader [Come Back To Me] [P2]

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You still couldn't it out of your head, the sight of Kylo's face holding such hurt and anger towards you always made your heart ache; knowing that he may hate you for what you did was something you needed to live with now. You were just returning from gathering items on the forest just behind your hut, but you suddenly felt a pull like before and knew what was happening; somehow the force was forcing you and Kylo to link together.

"I don't wish to talk right now" you said still glancing down at the floor standing just outside of your hut.

"Yeah, me too" Kylo spoke with the same tone you held, and you didn't know how to feel about this right now.

Knowing you had to face him, you looked up to find yourself standing in Kylo's room; seeing him standing there shirtless made you blush when he turned to face you, even though you were no stranger to seeing Kylo like this when you were there. 

"D-do you hate me for leaving?" you couldn't help but ask him trying to hold your emotions in check.

"No" was the fastest answer you have ever gotten from him; it was hard to believe that he would say no after the last time you two spoke to each other.

"Why?" you felt the question slip from your lips when you bit down on your bottom lip as he walked closer to you.

"Why what?" he said to you never breaking away from your gaze even when seeing your tears building up by the minute when you tried to ask what you were holding back.

"Why what, say it" he said again to you when he stood so close to you having you look up at him wishing to reach out and touch him just once more.

"Why don't you hate me? I broke the promise we made; I ran because I'm not strong like you" you asked when letting a few tears roll down your cheeks when looking up at him.

That's when you felt his hands against your cheeks, whipping away the tears that fell; you missed him. You missed feeling his touch, hearing his voice and just missed being near him every single day and night when you were there; your heart ached with pain knowing you might be able to be near him again.

"You're the only person I could never hate, [y/n]; you understand me when everyone else refused to understand. When I found out you left, I searched for you but when I couldn't find you, I thought you were dead. But you cut yourself from the force; why did you truly leave?" Kylo made you look at him even though you wished to look away when you listened to his words letting them sink in slowly.

"Because I.....I" you tried to say it, but you didn't know if it was wise to talk about it frightened to know if things would be worse or better.

"Because of what?" he asked knowing you were holding something back; you still had the force inside of you not completely cut off from it and being like this it was easy for him to know something from your mind.

"Because I was holding you back; Snoke told me himself that if I left and pretended, I was dead then you would become stronger" you finally broke when you placed your own hands on his shoulders, not wishing to fight any longer with your wish to feel him again and it made you weak all over when feeling his skin under your fingertips again, Kylo seemed to shudder under your touch and also in anger when knowing the truth now.

"No, no he's wrong; you never held me back, you were always the reason why I wished to do better. To protect you, to give you everything you wished for" Kylo was quick to correct you and what Stoke said to you that made you leave in the first place, you were far from holding Kylo back from anything; anyone in the order could see how well you both worked together on missions before you became an item.

"Right now, all I want is you" you whispered when looking into his brown eyes holding all the love you have for him wanting to be with him in person and not through the force that is only a prison.

He didn't waste a second when he pulled you closer to meet his lips in a fiery passionate kiss that left you speechless when you returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck while his arms were wrapped around your waist holding you close to his body; you couldn't help but let out a moan when his tongue slipped passed your slightly parted lips to dance with your tongue. You yearned to be consumed by Kylo again, to feel his skin against yours behind closed doors where it was just you and him; with no order, no resistance or jedi just you and him together.

"Tell me where you are, please" Kylo broke away from the kiss already feeling the force bringing you both together start to slip away.

"You'll find me here" you said when giving him something that you collected from the planet you stayed on, knowing he would come and find you.

And just like that you both were pulled away from each other in a flash, it pained your heart being torn away from him like that, but you knew he would find you with the clue you gave him; all you had to do now was wait to see his ship come through the clouds and land on the planet to take you away and back to the order and back to him for good.

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