Unknown Force [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future book previews won't have a second part]

Qyn woke up with a jerk after being knocked out while facing the first order, looking for her sister Rey in the chaos; she tried to move but couldn't move her arms which brought her attention to them seeing they were locked down along with her legs. Glancing her purple eyes around the room she knew where she was and it made her stomach drop a bit in worry, sensing someone staring at her brought her attention to the man dressed in nothing but black along with a masked face that almost resembled the legend of Darth Vadar that she heard stories about.

"Where am I?" she asked the man in front of her not showing any ounce of fear in her face, not wishing to give him the satisfaction of a simple thing like that.

"You're my guest" his voice was deep and robotic like from the mask he wore, it made her wonder what kind of voice he truly had without the mask.

"You always put your guests in interrogation rooms?" she couldn't help but scuff at the word guest when hearing that from him; she might be tortured later for being sarcastic but that was her nature.

The man said nothing to that question of hers, she could feel his eyes on her from where she looked at his mask; she wondered what he looked like under the mask, was he human? Or was he handsome? The question was something that she wished to know, not that she had much to say since she wore a mask for her bounty hunting work made it easier to not be recognized outside of work.

"If you hurt my sister or worse brought her here, I'll make damn sure that your death is a painful one" Qyn spoke again this time with meaning behind her words when she worried about her sister Rey being here.

"You mean the small and weak scavenger; you call a sister? You'd be relieved to hear that she is not here" he answered that question still looking her dead in the eyes while speaking about Rey.

It was true Rey wasn't truly blood but finding her alone on that dusty planet she called home was enough to make you return there to raise her and feed her like a sister would for a little sister.

"You still want to kill me" he said with reading her mind, no wonder her mind a buzzing he was using the force to read her mind; wonder what else he read in her mind.

"Let's just say the First Order and I aren't the best of friends; the haunting mask doesn't help either" she snarled a bit knowing how the order did things and memories of a mask still followed her and seeing his wasn't helping her childhood trauma.

That's when the man reached for his mask, hearing the clicking and slight hiss of it took her by surprise when he stood up when taking off his mask, revealing his face to her. She really didn't expect to see his face, it was like the Maker carved him from marble he was so perfect; her eyes couldn't break away from his brown eyes that stared back. Her heart felt like it was just throbbing against her chest.

"I can certainly say looks run in the family" Qyn was quick to hide her shocked expression by a witty remark, speaking about his father even if meeting the man for a brief moment before getting captured.

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