Jacques Le Gris x Reader [How I Survived]

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[a/n: plot twist ending / mini series]

Many rumors roamed around you, from dust until dawn they stayed with you; your father was a powerful king from Spain, your husband just as powerful but what are these rumors that surround you if you had nothing but power in your family line? Not many dared to speak of it aloud; but that didn't stop the whispering from the shadows not to mention it honestly helped you in your cause when the truth you wished to show came to light, Queen of Kings they called you through the world and many allied themselves to your army.

But now, you were in France working out trading goods between the two countries before heading to England. You sat in your garden reading a book to clear your mind if not pass the time; but the sound of footsteps made you sigh knowing you were not wishing to have visitors but that never stopped any man.

"Queen [y/l/n], I hope I am not intruding" the smooth and deep voice of none other than Jacques Le Gris came to your ears; now here was a player that you were warned about from the moment you stepped foot in France.

"Depends on what kind of intrusion you intend?" you spoke while closing your book and turning your gaze to him; he was handsome you'll give him that you could see why some girls loved to present themselves to him.

"Milady, I only came here to offer you my service while you stay in France; whatever your heart desires I shall grant it" Jacques kneeled down on one knee in front of you offering this heartwarming offer to you, but from your experience never trust an offer.

"Already trying to crawl up in ranks after your scandal?" you couldn't help but dry chuckle when dusting off some petals off your skirt while standing from your chair.

Speaking of the old scandal from last year made Jacques go completely silent; it was a large scandal that reached your throne steps, it wasn't anything new to your ears when it came to any man that you have come across to do suck scandalous horrible things; but ever since the death of Jean De Carrouge in the duel things have died down for Jacques Le Gris, he still had his lands and rank but his name was still in the mud.

"I do not wish to deceive you, your highness I merely ask for a chance" he spoke back when returning to his full height, you came up to his chest when you had to look into his brown eyes that held a warm but yet danger in them.

"Chance? Funny little word, isn't it? I don't give chances Gris; you prove yourself and until my business is finished here in about a week you have until then" you chuckled dryly once more when looking at him with a serious look on your face holding no hint of a joke with how you picked out loyal men or women.

"And what proof does one powerful queen wish to see?" Jacques asked when he turned to follow you as you walked away from him, leaving him to stand where he stood.

"Actions, loyalty and most of all. Meaning; behind each action, you will see I am not one of your French whore girls nor that pour excuse of woman Marguerite who slinks back to hide along with, what? A son if I might not mistake" you turned to look at him bringing up what you knew he was used too not to mention bring up the biggest rumor of Marguerite's son which made Jacques stiffen by the mention of it.

You were taught by your own mother to not let any man have some sort of leverage against you; always stay one step ahead of them while ruling a kingdom, but you somehow could feel like Jacques could see through you somehow as he stared at you even if you spoke this scandal of his that happened a year ago.

"A week Jacques Le Gris" was your only words to him before turning away from him to head back into the summer castle you stayed in.

You were a challenge indeed, a challenge Jacques wished to crack in any way he could to break through that rough and heartless figure of yours; knowing there is a woman under those layers of royal clothes and jewels. Upon returning to the front, he couldn't help but pass an open door where he heard your voice and that of others, stepping close beside it. Jacques slightly opened the door more to see the sight of you smiling at your own child to the sight he could be four while a young girl at the age of ten sat in her chair reading a book ignoring you, you were indeed a young queen and a young, widowed mother; Jacques knew he had to bring everything he had to try and win you over to protect not only his land and estate but perhaps secure a spot in the Spanish court.

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