Toxic Heaven [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future Books won't have a second part to them, also in this book Thomas likes both men and women, also kind of follows season one]

A heavily sigh left her lips as she sat in the back of the car, watching the countryside go by as she glanced out of the window, thinking back to what her father said to her before she left still echoed in her mind. 'Come back with a husband or you are out' were the words her father spoke to her with venom in his voice, another sigh left her lips as she saw the large house of Downton coming into view after spending a couple hours on the train and an hour in a car to come here to find a husband; she only knew why her father sent her away because her brother was on the Titanic when it sunk and was forever angry that he wasn't left with an heir for their family and it was up to her to find a husband and have a son to take over the estate.

The car came to a stop in front of the house seeing the family out waiting for her along with their servants, the door opened up for her with a handheld out for her as her hand touched the gloved hand her brown eyes couldn't help but look up meeting grey eyes that she knew all too well. 

"Lady Dorinda" the voice of lord Crawley broke her eyes away from the footman who helped her out of the car.

"Lord Crawley, thank you so much for allow me to stay here" her charming warm smile came to her face easily as she walked up to him and his wife.

"It was the least we could dear, I'm sure you remember the girls" lady Crawley spoke before looking at her three daughters.

"Of course, lovely to see you all; Sybil, Edith..... Mary" she smiled at them walking over to them, giving Sybil a hug, giving Edith a kiss on the cheek before looking at Mary giving her just a mocking smile, they never got along as children.

"Claire" was all Mary said to her sharing the same tone as Claire's tone not interested that she is here.

"Let us head inside, Carson make sure lady Dorinda's things make it to her room" Lord Crawley said before looking at Carson.

"Of course, my lord and might I say milady welcome back" Carson spoke to lord Crawley before looking at Claire giving a warm smile to her.

"Thank you, Carson" she smiles brightly enjoying she came back to the house that partly raised her in her childhood.

They made their way into the house making small talk as they went inside; it was good to come back here and get away from her father who demanded so much from her right now, but she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder seeing Thomas carrying some of her luggage up the large staircase going upstairs; she was sure knew he didn't recognize her looking like this but maybe if she could talk to him somehow.

Dinner was wonderful like always, she got to meet Matthew and his mother who were delightful to talk to; sometimes talking shots at Mary when she tried picking through what Matthew was and wasn't and of course Granny enjoyed the bantering, Claire did learn the best ways from her. But once the coast was clear she slowly snuck away to go downstairs to look for Thomas there; she could her some talking thinking they might be eating right now, she took in a breath before walking further in.

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