It's Only Forever [Future Book]

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[A/N: future book previews won't have a second chapter, for Labyrinth 1986]

Tonight, was supposed to be a grand time, but once again Caelia's little sister took over the evening that was meant for the both of them. But what was supposed to be the happiest moment in anyone's life turned out to be the cruelest moment in her own life, she wasn't even informed from her own father the king of the northern realms that he planned to pair her sister with the man she loved since childhood and now king of the underground of the labyrinth, Jareth. 

Caelia was feeling nothing but hatred, betrayed and loneliness; this was nothing but a cruel reminder from her father that she will always be pushed aside in order for her little sister to climb the latter, but the feeling in her heart felt like knives stabbing it over and over seeing how easily Jareth agreed in the big announcement her father blurted out of nowhere, thinking back to that moment made her tears build but she fought them off when she heard footsteps on the gravel garden floors heading her way, she knew those footsteps well and didn't dare to look behind her.

"Caelia" Jareth smooth and rich voice reached her ears only making her pain worsen.

"I wish to be alone" she called out starting to walk away and try and escape this dreadful night she found herself in.

But Jareth was quicker to gently grab her left arm in his gloved hand, his touch always brought a tingling sensation through her body whether he be wearing gloves or not.

"Everyone was wonder where you were?" Jareth stood by her side watching her reaction as he spoke to her like she was made of glass.

"So, they could look upon a fool my father made me to be tonight?!" her purple eyes finally met his mismatch eyes in the glimmer of the garden lantern they found themselves standing under.

Jareth didn't know what to say to her words that she snapped out, her anger showed in her eyes for a flash of a second as they stood together in silent.

"Good evening, Goblin King" she spoke in a cold tone towards him once again trying to walk away from him.

"At least let me escort you back" Jareth stopped her again like he could fix this with his words alone.

"Spinsters do not need an escort" she fired back looking back up at him keeping her calm slightly.

"You are not a spinster" Jareth found it a joke when he slightly laughed at her words.

"I am in my third marriage mart with no prospects to show for it, to my father's delight what would you call that?" Caelia spoke the truth knowing she will be alone like her father wished for she isn't perfect like her sister who is nothing but spoiled.

"Is something wrong Elia? Between us? I wrote to you, this summer as I always do but I heard no reply back, if you wish to have me say it out loud; I miss you" Jareth raised a brow sensing something was wrong but still can't see the full picture, even with the many times they have playfully flirted back and forth only turned out she slowly began to love him. But tried to fix it with a single word that now meant nothing.

Caelia couldn't help but chuckle in a mocking way which turned Jareth playful smirk in a frown seeing her laugh at him like that.

"You miss me? You miss me but you would never court me or marry me is that correct?" Caelia called him out on the spot not giving him a chance to come up with another one of his charming lies she seemed to fall for.

"I have told you many times what my father is like towards me, and correct me if my memory is off but I remember a young boy promising me to help me change my life around one day; and yet you make my life hell accepting my father's idea of my sister's hand in marriage knowing he was offering her to make me look like fool and laughingstock of my family" Caelia continued never breaking away from Jareth gaze seeing him become slightly uncomfortable at what she was saying to him.

She let her words sink in as some guests passed them speaking about whatever they wished to talk about before Jareth spoke again.

"Maybe we should speak somewhere a bit more private" Jareth spoke to her not wishing to risk someone overhearing what they spoke about.

"Because I embarrass you, of course you would never court or think of marrying me, because I am nothing but the disappointment throughout the realm even though I know you better than anyone else in that ballroom, it just never accrued to me that you of all people can be so cruel" Caelia said again feeling her own heart break from the bitter truth feeling the tears build once again thinking that her own childhood friend would betray her like this so easily without a glimpse of sadness.

She didn't give him a chance to speak when she turned and walked off further into her family's gardens, not wishing to return to the ballroom or her room at all knowing full well her little sister would come up to mock Caelia in her prize; but at least Jareth knew how he made her feel and how she once felt for him before this night. 

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