Blind Love [Future Book]

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[A/n: Future book previews will not have a second part]

'When I saw you I fell in love, and when you smiled because you knew'

That is how Katie Dashwood felt about colonel Christpher Brandon the moment she set eyes on him for the first time, but his eyes were for her twin sister a minute older than her; Marianne Dashwood her twin sister. Seeing how taken he is with her at first glance made her loath her sister even more then she did throughout their childhood. It only has gotten worse after their father died and the family was slowly starting to fall apart.

Katie sat on the grass trying to read a book in her hand, but her gaze couldn't help but glance back up at the little game her little sister Margert, Marianne and the colonel played together; it annoyed her to no end how Marianne had almost every man flaunt over her just to catch her eye or heart but she was foolish, wishing for a novel romance of all things where Katie was glad to accept someone like colonel Brandon if the moment arise but no one even thought twice about matching her up.

"Katie, you should play with us" Margret glanced over at her, bringing the attention of the colonel to glance at her letting their eyes met for a second or two.

"I can play from here" Katie couldn't help but say not hiding the glare at Marianne standing slightly behind the colonel who she could tell saw her look and heard the tone she spoke in but showed no knowledge.

"Please" Marget asked again wanting her to play since she rarely played anymore, let alone laughed or truly smiled.

Katie thought of it for a moment, glancing over to colonel Brandon who waited for an answer as well, his perfect brown eyes met her green eyes for a moment; her heart couldn't help but skip a beat when he shared a warm small smile to her, but her eyes caught the look her mother gave her. Nothing harsh but enough to tell her not to parade out of Marianne's shadows where she wished her to stay in the meantime.

"Sadly, I am sorry, another time Marget I promise" Katie sighed sadly when she stood up from her spot giving her sister a promise of next time before giving a polite head bow to colonel Brandon who did the same before, she walked over to Elinor her oldest sister and Mrs. Jennings.

"Not enjoying yourself?" Elinor asked seeing the slightly sad and annoyed look on her sister's face as she came over to join her and Mrs. Jennings.

"What gave me away?" she asked back sitting beside Elinor giving a glance over at colonel Brandon once more as Marget rolled the wooden ball knocking down two pins on the grass.

It warmed Katie's heart to no end seeing how colonel Brandon was with her sister, treated her like a daughter. Her thoughts couldn't help but wonder how wonderful he would be as a father to his own children, but her heart ached knowing she wouldn't be the mother of his children.

"The well-known look of pure love" Mrs. Jennings voice broke Katie's train of thought making her turn to look at her trying to show confusion in her eyes, but Mrs. Jennings was too smart for that sort of game it only made her smile and chuckle.

"My dear girl I have been here long enough, to know when a young girl like yourself is head over heels, for a man who didn't look her way" Mrs. Jennings spoke again with that knowing smirk on her face teasing her a small bit, but the truth strung none the less.

"Mrs. Jennings please, Katie's time will come once Marianne is matched, I am sure of it" Elinor spoke wishing to not see her sister so upset about the matter, she tried brightening the mood up for Katie saying she might meet someone soon, Katie could only give a small smile.

"Oh, I mean no harm, Katie would be another excellent match for colonel Brandon and if I may be so bold make a fine wife if not mother, hm?" Mrs. Jennings spoke again, looking at Katie with a raised brow when she mentioned her and colonel Brandon being matched together, it only made Katie blush madly when thinking about it; Mrs. Jennings chuckled warmly at seeing how fond Katie was of the colonel and how in love she was.

"As flattering as that sounds Mrs. Jennings, I'm sure mother wouldn't wish for me to outshine Marianne right now, if you'll both excuse me I am going on a short stroll" Katie spoke glad Mrs. Jennings didn't exclude her out of any chances, but she knew her mother wished to keep her back a bit longer before seeking a husband.

But seeing colonel Brandon and Marianne coming towards them made her heart ache again when she stood up from the chair not giving Elinor a chance to stop her when walking away from the group to find somewhere alone and hide in her thoughts.

She made sure to take the long way back into the house and make her way to a room where she hoped she would be alone for a moment or two to calm her mind and racing heart that ached too much to be in front of the colonel and her twin sister who she wished to slap most of the time of the day; a tear almost escaped her eye along with a sob but she held it when she was jumped by the door opening only to see her eldest sister Elinor coming in and closing the door behind her.

"Katie, I know this is hard" she said when making her way to her sister and wrapping her arms around her allowing Katie to hide her face when she let out a shaky sob that she tried to hide.

"Why can't I just not exist right now?"  Katie spoke when being unwrapped by her sister's arms to look out the window.

"Your time will come; you just have to be patient" Elinor tried to share some wise words to calm down her sister who lived in the shadow of the other.

"What's the point in waiting? Oh, what fools these mortals be or how I must be, just please leave me alone I'm better off like that" she slightly snapped before quoting a poem she loved but put her as the fool letting another tear escape as she sat down wishing to be alone.

Elinor couldn't say anything to her sister when her mind is like this, filled with nothing but sorrow and pain; she placed a warm kiss to her head before leaving to rejoin the party leaving Katie to let out another painful sob covering her mouth with both her hands, little did she know that the colonel himself could see into the room she found herself alone in seeing her in distress; the ache in his heart throbbed with pain seeing her like this but he couldn't understand why he would feel like this to another young woman when he fancied Marianne even though she did not feel the same, the thought of Katie having such feelings towards him pained him to think that he caused her this pain without even knowing it.

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