Just Business [Future Book]

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[a/n: future book views won't have a second part, also sets back before the main events of the movie Quigley Down Under]

Casting her amber eye on the Thomson ranch brought her some sadness, she couldn't remember the last time she was here; now she was here for her father's funeral. Letting the ox team drive the wagon after traveling for five days, they came closer to the ranch letting the men working their open the gates letting them inside; stopping the team brought some dust come from the wagon and slight wind. 

"Jessica? I barely recognize you" the voice of her brother Matthew came to her ears when she turned her attention to him.

He looked just like father, though looked a little rougher than most men did around here; she couldn't help but smile since it has been seventeen years since she has last saw her older brother before getting shipped to boarding school for girls by her mother who sailed back to London with her and stayed there.

"Being a lady does that" she said back when being helped down by her brother who chuckled.

"You a lady? Doubt that stuck" he chuckled which made her chuckle before turning her attention to the wagon who still had someone sitting on it looking nervous.

"This little lad wouldn't be James, would it?" her brother asked with a large smile on his face when seeing his eight-year-old nephew for the first time.

"Yes, James this is your uncle Matthew; the one I told you about" she spoke when helping her son down from the wagon who hid behind her dust skirt.

He could only wave shyly when looking up at his uncle who smiled warmly at the young boy, it would take a while for him to get comfortable with being around him and the others, since he is used to riches and city life back in London.

"Where the husband?" Matthew asked when grabbing their bags from the wagons, with help from his men who carried trunks.

"Back in London, he rather work then be here to support his wife; old bastard" she spoke while following him to the house, before mumbling under her breath about her old husband who was like fifty years older than her.

"Sounds like someone mother wished to marry, guess she lives through your life now" Matthew said when placing the bags down on the floor, letting the servants carry them to the room upstairs.

"You don't know the half of it" she groaned when slightly shaking her head about how her life was with her mother back in London.

"We'll speak of it later, right now you and James clean up; the funeral is at sunset behind the house" Matthew said placing a hand on his sister's shoulder.

A bath sounded lovely, and she knew they needed it too; heading upstairs the two baths were drawn up for them, feeling the warm water and the smell of lavender soap against her skin and hair made her sigh before dunking into the water and coming back up again; this was needed after five days being on the road to the ranch, sometimes she wished the ranch was three days closer but it is what it is. Once she was finished, she dried herself and her hair before being helped in getting dressed; the black dress was one of her best. It puffed out slightly at the bottom with white ribbons, the top hugged her curves just right and slightly showed some cleavage per her husband's request the old perv; the shoulders were puffy as well and slightly sat off her shoulders and she wore black silk gloves. Her hair was done up in little curl and placed in a mess bun like style with many pins in her hair with her bangs framing her face perfectly, putting on small makeup but enough to cover her three scars that covered her left eye but didn't blind her, once she was done, she grabbed a black umbrella to help with not catching sunburn which would help. 

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