As Our World Falls Down [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future book previews won't have a second part; I'm planning to do a series of the labyrinth this is book 2 when main movie takes place, also I'm making Sarah 18 since I do not wish to get into trouble]

Writing these small letters were annoying but they must be done if she was maintaining two kingdoms, her own and her husband's and to write to the fae court who were trying to bring back Jareth and Caelia to come back to speak about the realms boring things like that.

Caelia sighed heavily, running her hands through her brown hair that almost reached her ankles right now; glancing down to her left hand the glinting of her wedding ring diamond made her smirk warmly when looking at it hard to believe after all the trouble she went through to finally have Jareth tell her an actual truth was ten years ago. Her thoughts were broken when a knock was at her down before it opened bringing her attention to a goblin coming in.

"My queen, the king wishes to see you" the goblin spoke while bowing and before scurrying off to go back to his duties.

She stood from her desk and made her way out of her private office that Jareth made her, heading down the slightly dark halls of stone of the castle; her dark forest dress drifted gracefully with her movements as she found her way to the throne room.

"You wished to see me, love?" she called as she opened the door heading in but pausing with her purple eye's landed right at the small creature who sat on the ground a few feet from her feet.

"Ah darling, yes I did" Jareth spoke as he leaned in his throne in his casual clothes with his feet kicked up on the throne arm, acting like a normal man not bothered at the silent stare his wife was giving the small child no older than a one-year-old.

Caelia looked at Jareth still with surprise but slight irk-ness when pointing at the blonde child sitting there with goblins around being their slightly loud selves keeping the child entertained, she guessed.

"Before your gorgeous mind twists your thoughts no, he is not mine; his older sister wished him away, honestly darling I thought you knew me better?" Jareth pointed a finger at her before explaining it quickly while playing a fake hurt look placing his hand over his chest.

"I'm not used to having this size" she finally found her voice looking back at the baby boy.

Toby the young baby boy looking to be close to being one, finally looked up to Caelia with big blue eyes but seemed to start to cry and slightly reach up towards her. Jareth couldn't help but chuckle in amusement seeing this from the young boy.

"Something amusing?" Caelia glanced at him with a raise brow even though the cries of the boy were hurting her ears.

"Yes actually, he wants you to pick him up" Jareth stood up from his throne chuckling again seeing the look on her face when looking back at Toby again.


Caelia hesitated when she stepped closer kneeling down and taking Toby under his arms lifting him up at arm's length, he slightly stopped but whimpered and the uncomfortable look on her face only made Jareth laugh out at her knowing she has never been around child in her life; he was used to many ages of humans who were wished away so it was like a walk in the park.

"You hold him a little closer than that" Jareth spoke when his laughing slowly stopped.

"Okay" she spoke being very stiff all of a sudden when she brought Toby close to her side holding him like a mother would and he calmed down from his small crying fit placing his head on her shoulder making her stiffen again.  

"I am very uncomfortable right now" she said not used to children and them being around.

"I can tell darling" Jareth teased his playful smirk still on his handsome face.

But it didn't go unnoticed from Caelia the hidden look behind his mismatch eyes, they held a certain warmth as he looked at her and it made her blush and look at the ground knowing what he was thinking; even after ten years together they never really spoke about children together maybe this was going to be an ice breaker, but she wasn't going to push it.

"So, he being turned into a goblin?" she asked wondering what the boy's fate was not knowing where his sister was.

"Oh no not after thirteen hours are up, Sarah is running the labyrinth" Jareth said looking towards the clock that held eleven hours left.

But what made her gut turn was how he called the human by her name, like an old friend or worse but she tried not thinking that far but the feeling stayed there like a rock.

"Who?" she asked short and bluntly.

"His sister, hard-headed that one she is" Jareth brought forth a sphere, bringing the image of Sarah walking through the labyrinth.

Seeing the young girl, she almost looked like Caelia at her age her brown hair smooth and long; her eyes were a hazel blue. But she didn't like the feeling grew in her gut once she saw Sarah and the jealously was slowly creeping in; sure, Jareth had many other runners but none he called by their first names, he called them runners or human nothing more. She looked back down at Toby who seemed to have fallen asleep, her mind started to twist again like before; would actually having a child make Jareth stay? It wasn't a secret to her that rumors of their marriage were slowly falling apart, not to mention the many times he seemed to find himself alone in his own studies or working to place the labyrinth book in places where humans would find it and seal their doom. Caelia said nothing when turning away knowing Jareth wouldn't notice her walking away with Toby, leaving the throne room and heading to their shared room opening a spare door that connected another room to the master room; she secretly created this room into a nursery for their future prince's or princesses but never showed Jareth not knowing what his opinion would be on having a child of his own or if he would be angry with her to think she would think he wished to have children with her.

She gently placed Toby in the soft crib placing a blanket over him before sitting in a chair beside the crib hating how her mind was twisting and creating unknown chaos within her thoughts once more now that this Sarah came to the labyrinth.

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