Light Within Darkness [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future books won't have a second part; Unkown Forces is out and completed]

The last few months have been tough, Qyn has been doing well in getting information for the resistance once she returns to them; not to mention gathering extra information for her own personal reasons about her family. She's been trying to understand things, trying to make sense of what her life used to be and how it came to be today; nothing was making any sense in this chaos she found herself in. The worst of it was, she started feeling things she promised never to feel again; seeing a different side of Kylo made her heart ache for him, ached for him to notice her and to stay by his side.

Qyn didn't know how to keep up this little play she was putting on for the first order, acting like the deadly bounty hunter everyone knew across the galaxy; helping them to hunt down the resistance while her sister was out there training with Luke Skywalker. 

With her mind filled with many thoughts of her own feelings that were starting to arise inside of her; Qyn found herself sitting cross legged in her room, meditating was her go to thing when she couldn't think straight and needed some time to herself, the chip on her neck wasn't on and she didn't need it to be when she was alone in her room; she gently breathed in and out through her nose letting her body and mind become one, she couldn't help but think back to her mother when she would train her in the force.

"You must feel the force around you, let it slowly come to you; let your mind go blank do not think of anything much but the feel of the force it is inside of you and its surrounds you through your life" the voice of her mother spoke to her as a ten-year-old Qyn was closing her eyes tightly trying to understand her mother's words as best she could.

"Mother nothing happening" Qyn whined a little bit when opening her eyes again with a heavy sigh; she could never get this part right at all.

"Hush child, let it take time and let it come to you" her mother queen Liz spoke with a slightly harsh tone but softened when telling her to try again.

Qyn could only sigh again before closing her eyes again, placing her hands on her knees as she sat on the ground in the royal gardens outside. She took in a couple of breaths in and out trying to listen around her, letting the force come to her; before she even knew it, she was floating in the air like a planet; not seeing the proud smile on her mother's face when she watched her gifted daughter learn the ways of the force like her ancestors before her.

Qyn couldn't help but smile slightly at the memory that was brought on by meditating, not hearing her door open and close behind her; not hearing the footsteps behind her clicking on the black tile like floor before they stopped.

"The famous Galaxy Killer is you" the deep voice that she knew too well broke her concentration in a blink of an eye.

Qyn fell to the floor with a slight groan when she turned to look behind her; seeing Kylo standing in front of her looking down at her with a cold emotionless yet sad expression, like he was sad she didn't bother to trust him with her secret aboard the ship. She slowly stood up almost afraid to meet his eyes that felt like they were burning her; her heart felt heavy as she felt it throb against her chest seeing him here in her room.

"Did you enjoy, making me play the fool?" Kylo spoke trying to control the anger that was slowly growing inside of him when he clenched his fists tightly together; he already was feeling like a failure with how his master Snoke treated him he didn't need her to do the same.

"That wasn't my intention" Qyn said quickly when meeting Kylo's gaze, not wishing for him to get the wrong idea of why she hid herself from him for so long.

"Then why? Give me a good reason why I shouldn't drag you out of here and put you in the cells?" Kylo spoke through gritted teeth when his eyes burned with an emotion that she hasn't seen before when being with him.

"Because I was asked to be here, by who I think you know" she said not bothering to hide anything that he could read in her mind; since the chip blocked out his force when it came to mind reading.

Kylo growled a bit when turning away from her; knowing who she spoke about, he didn't know what to feel right now his emotions were all over the charts and he couldn't get ahold of them to think clearly.

But the sudden touch he felt on his left shoulder made him turn around to see Qyn standing behind him; looking him straight in the eyes showing a look he never seen before came from her.

"Don't think for a minute that I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be here for my own selfish reasons" Qyn said when he turned around to face her once more wondering what her words really meant to him.

"And what reasons would those be?" he asked trying to keep his hands by his side when his heart was screaming at him to hold her in his arms and never let go.

"Shouldn't it be obvious?" she asked with a slight smile and short chuckle when she placed a hand on his right cheek running her thumb gently over the scar, she gave him when they fought last.

Kylo let out a breath he never knew he was holding; hearing those words was like having his heart ripped out from his chest, he didn't dare call this love that he felt for her. The more he was with her the more he could feel the pull inside of him, pulling him back towards the light that he fought to keep locked away; but he also yearned for Qyn. Yearned to touch her, kiss her and give her everything her heart desired in this world in the whole galaxy; the more he stared into her purple eyes the more he could see it, the sight of love hidden behind them she wasn't lying or playing games like he expected hell he could hear her thoughts screaming at him wanting him to believe her deeply.

He didn't know how close they truly were until he could feel her breath against his lips; the feeling sent shivers throughout his body, the urge to pull her close and devour her lips with his was a strong pull to fight; she would glance from his eyes to his lips almost asking permission silently. But somehow, he pulled away from her breaking away with a shaky breath when returning to her door; stopping there when it opened for him to leave.

"Rest up before we set out, I'll come collect you when its time" Kylo glanced over his shoulder back to Qyn, trying to find a reason to stay for a second longer before leaving the room completely.

Qyn ran her fingers through her hair when plopping down on the chair behind her; letting out a breath when she just confirmed to herself how she truly felt about Kylo Ren about Ben Solo, it was a turn that she thought she'd never feel again; Kylo could say the same when he returned to his room, the door closing behind him as he breathed in and out heavily feeling his heart throb against his ribs; heading to the washroom attached to his bedroom he turned the sink on to cold water; splashing himself in the face with the cold water when he could feel his skin burning from the moment he shared with Qyn seconds ago. He could still feel her breath again his lips the thought of it sent shivers down his spine in delight, taking heavy breaths he looked at himself in the mirror seeing how he truly looked, lost, alone and dare he says it frightened. How could she ever have any sort of feeling for a man like him? A man who did unspeakable things? A man who was forced to choose the dark side for safety from those around him? How could she ever lover a monster?

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