Love Is Art [Future Book]

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[A/N: future book previews won't have a second part, takes place around season 1 it'll be a slow burn]

"Dearest reader, today of the beginning of the newest season we see some eligible ladies to become the seasons diamond, though some would love the title to be known as the jewel of the season some do not wish for such a title"

The air was thick with tenson as the young ladies of the Ton waited to be presented to their queen to be picked for the title of the diamond, one lady in the back was trying to calm her nerves as she glanced around the room at the other ladies being prepped and gently talked to by their mothers who were proud of them.

"Brooklyn stop slouching, it is un-lady like" the voice of her mother Mrs. Winterton made Brooklyn jump out of her skin as her mother slightly tapped her on the back with her fan.

"Apologies mama" she spoke softly straightening her back as best she could in this tight corset the maids wrangled her into this morning.

The only daughter of the Winterton household, she is the fourth child out of her six brothers; perfection was all but asked of each child no matter what they were or what they took a liking too, Brooklyn was named after her father's home back in the states, and she was still surprised to this day her mother allowed it or her grandmother for that matter since they had other names for her but at last Brooklyn was her given name. 

"Lady Winterton, lovely to see you today" the voice of Violet Bridgerton came to her ears, seeing her standing with her daughter Daphne who looked breathtaking in her white dress and feathers.

"Likewise, lady Bridgerton, this is my daughter Brooklyn her first season" her mother smiled warmly at lady Bridgerton, pointing her daughter out who bowed a bit wishing to not anger her mother.

"It's Daphne's first season as well, your daughter is truly a jewel" Mrs. Bridgerton kept her warm smile while speaking of her daughter beside her before complementing Brooklyn, if only her family thought of her that way.

"Indeed, she is" her mother spoke glancing at her with a look that only made Brooklyn look down at the ground for a moment before their time was called to be presenting themselves to the queen.

Brooklyn's heart was pounding in her ears, and she thought she might faint if she messed this up even once; the last thing she needed was to be a laughing stoke among the Ton and her family; after her three older brothers married into high ranks in society she was to find the same match, a Duke or a Prince from a country would do as her mother told her.

"Lady Brooklyn Winterton, presented by her mother Mrs. Lady Winterton" the announcer called out her name, letting the door swing open for all to see her in her white dress, feathers and jewels that only the finest could afford.

She breathed slowly as she kept her eyes straight ahead to the queen who looked bored out of her mind, with these showings of young ladies. She took slow graceful steps forward trying her best to look like a feather in the wind; she could feel her mother's eyes burn in the back of her head watching her every move until they came to the queen; bowing and staying there until she said otherwise. The queen glanced at her with a harsh gaze and Brooklyn wished for the floor to swallow her up right now and vanish, in a flash the queen moved her hand in a dismissal way not looking disappointed but not impressed either. Brooklyn's heart shattered knowing she was going to get an ear full from her mother once they return home.

Brooklyn stood up turning away from the queen and walking away followed by her mother, her eyes glanced up for a moment before her blue eyes looked to her left; letting her eyes meet piercing blue eyes in the crowd only to realize the eyes she met were that of Benedict Bridgerton himself who found himself staring right back at her. She didn't know what this feeling she felt that suddenly came over her, but her heart leaped out of her chest the more his eyes burned into her like those old books she read about a prince finding his princess from across the room, love at first sight. It was hard for her to turn her head away, but she finally did when they left the room allowing Daphne and her mother to go next and hearing her become the queen's diamond of the season.

"We shall have words" her mother whispered harshly in Brooklyn's ear after hearing who the diamond was this season.

"Y-yes mother" she stuttered a bit knowing she would have harsh words thrown at her once she is inside the walls of her home in London, she just wishes she could find a match this season even if she wasn't the diamond of the season.

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