Within You, Darling [Future Book]

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[A/n: Book 3 of the labyrinth series, future book previews won't have a second part]

"It sure it busy today, miss Harra" Cloe spoke with a warm smile when many customers were coming in and out of the bakery.

"Well, that's the way I like it" Caelia spoke with a smile, knowing that today was a good in the human realm; never had she thought living here would be a little less stressful.

Caelia grabbed several knew sweet rolls from the oven behind here, placing them on the wrack allowing them to cool before placing them into the display holder for many people to see and smell. Caelia enjoyed seeing the smile of children when they pointed at what they wanted for a small treat, it made her chuckle at how sweet they were; the door opened once more with a couple of more people walking in to grab a quick snack or a pick-up order, but Caelia's smile slowly faded when her eyes landed on someone, she thought she wouldn't see again after these twenty years of being here.

"Sarah?" she called out to the woman who turned, looking just as surprised when spotting Caelia behind the counter of this bakery.

"Caelia?" she questioned as well never thinking she would see her, queen of the labyrinth her in the human realm of all places.

"Um, Cloe take over for a sec" she said taking off her apron and hanging up while going around the counter to meet Sarah in the main area.

Sarah didn't need to be told more as she followed Caelia away from the bakery and across the way to a park that was across from the bakery; they found a bench away from most ears so they could speak freely about things.

"H-how are you?" Caelia stuttered a bit not knowing how to start this conversation up with her.

"Good, I am good" Sarah said just being uncomfortable just as Caelia was right now, letting them sit in silence for a few seconds only with the sound of people and cars to fill in the silence. 

"Where the hell do I start?" Caelia sighed heavily not knowing where to start.

"How about how long you have been here?" Sarah asked wondering just how long she had been here and why now they were just running into each other.

"Twenty years actually" she said bluntly shocking Sarah a bit from how long she has been here without them running into each other even though they live in the same town Sarah grew up in.

"Okay look, back then me and Jareth got into a fight before you came into the castle; I basically told him if he went to you, I wouldn't be staying and being Jareth like always thought I wasn't serious and so here I am running my own shop and trying to live like a human" Caelia sighed heavily again just explaining the situation short and bluntly to Sarah still feeling the sting in her chest when remembering Jareth walking away from her in the throne room.

"Oh, I see, and he hasn't come to get you?" Sarah nodded her head before looking at her with a raised brow.

"I hear him calling some nights, but I don't answer" she spoke with a certain sadness in her voice still hearing his voice in her head when thinking about him.

Sarah placed a gentle warm hand on her shoulder, trying to give her some sort of comfort from how lost Caelia looked when thinking back about Jareth; but to stubborn to go back like she needed him more then he needed her.

"But enough of that, what about you; I mean you're here so obviously you didn't take whatever deal he had" Caelia switched her moods like a switch when looking at Sarah wondering what happened?

"Yes, I did, and me and Toby returned home, and life just played out like normal I did think back to Hoggle and Ludo; but I slowly moved on and had my own family and so on" Sarah explained as Caelia listened to her knowing she had a good life and was still living a good life.

"I'm glad your life turned out well Sarah, say maybe on Wednesdays we can meet up and have lunch and you know star over, I know I wasn't nice when we first met" Caelia smiled warmly before having an idea to meet up with Sarah and try to be friends with her knowing she wasn't the one to blame.

"I think that would be lovely, here I'll give you my number too so that we can keep in touch and my house address in case you need me urgently" Sarah smiled loving the idea of starting a fresh friendship before she wrote down her number and address for Caelia to have.

"Thanks, I better get back to work, come by any time for a quick chat I'm always there" Caelia took the piece of paper as they both stood up off from the bench.

"I will" Sarah said knowing things were going to be good with the change in Caelia she could see.

Caelia gave Sarah a quick hug that she returned before she walked across the road back to the bakery to continue working, coming in before another rush came in; placing her apron on again and washing her hands and drying them.


The voice of Jareth came through her head again making her pause, hearing his voice in her head again made her sigh knowing he was calling her, but she ignored him as she heard the door open up, giving a warm smile she greeted the other customers who wondered in like nothing was out of place or wrong.

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