The Zmay [Future Book]

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[a/n: future book views won't have a second part, also zmay means dragon in Russian]

John honestly didn't know what to do exactly, seeing an old face he hasn't seen in five years; Rose was her name the mother of his old partner he teamed up with during his times in his line of works. The last thing he expected was for her to bring the seal that held his blood in it; it was made for Kiera Woods but she must have given it to her mother after her younger brother died because of her line of work she still worked in that John got out and wished to stay out of it today.

"P-please, I'm begging you John save my little girl she is all I have left now" the words of Mrs. Woods echoed in his mind while he made his way to the continental hotel with his dog by his side.

He may not wish to return to his old life again but when it came to Kiera, he somehow couldn't say no about anything when she is brought up; he can still remember when he first met her at the continental, she was at the front desk asking for a room when he walked in; her dark red hair reminded him of a rose, he soft pale skin looked like silk and sure might have felt like it if he touched it; but her eyes, when her rare purple eyes met his brown eyes he could feel a pull towards her as she past him while heading towards the elevator she could only give him a smirk and wink as the door closed. That was ten years ago, they were young being in their twenties; going on missions together they seemed to work like clockwork; but her personality was something that surprised him, Kiera seemed to put people before her own needs; putting up a smile even with bodies dead on the ground, Kiera was the only person who showed emotions. But their last meeting didn't go well with friendly hugs and soft goodbyes; John could still see the fury in her eyes when he told her that he was getting out to be with Helen, her eyes spoke everything to him that her words couldn't she felt betrayed, and her anger turned into a fight between them both leaving them with two scars on their bodies to remember each other no matter how far they were from each other.

Walking into the continental he could see many people in his line of his work waiting for another target to come into their line of sight, heading to the front desk he saw Charon standing behind the desk like he was waiting for him to come walking through those doors.

"Welcome back, Mr. Wick" Charon spoke when John stood in front of him at the desk.

"I'd like to see the manager" John asked knowing Winston would know a bit more about Kiera's ware about.

"Of course, sir" Charon spoke knowing very well why John has come back so soon to the hotel.

"Stay" John turned his attention to his dog who sat down where he stood watching John walk off to the elevators to head up to the top of the building where Winston was for him.

Winston held a folder in his hands, he sighed heavily when he stared at it while drinking a brandy slowly letting the alcohol burn his throat with each slow sip; hearing the door to the building open and close he didn't need to look up to know John was walking towards him already knowing his purpose.

"And here I thought you wouldn't lift a finger for her" Winston spoke while his eyes still looked at the folder wishing it would burn up in his hands.

"I didn't have much of a choice" he said when taking a seat in front of Winston.

"You can't fool me John, you could never say no to Kiera" Winston couldn't help but speak a deep truth to him, he knew how deep their relationship became before John's wife came into the picture.

"Just tell me where she is" John tried to ignore Winston's words that somehow gave his heart a tight twinge.

"In all honesty, I don't know the accurate location; you see someone wishes her dead" Winston sighed before placing her own file on the table that sat between them both.

John picked up her file, opening it to see a picture of her one that showed what she looked like today after five years without seeing her; her hair was still the color of a rose, a bit shorter now it went to her shoulders. Her skin still reminded him of silk, and he could still feel the softness of it against his empty hands; her purple eyes held a different look a different emotion hidden behind them that only he could see. Emptiness, she was nothing but a hollow figure of the woman she once was before he left.

"Why would someone want her dead?" John asked when looking up from the file in his hands that held her last location.

"Take your pick, could be anyone of her many target's relations; it was enough to drag her into hiding and not feel safe to return here or any other safe haven" Winston held his hands out, like it was a hard question to answer when she had many enemies in this line of work.

"Then I'll head to her last location" John said when placing her file back down on the table before standing up ready to start his search that led him to the city London.

He honestly didn't know what would happen when they would face each other, maybe she'll try and kill him again like before; so many thoughts were running through his mind, but he couldn't help but remember her words the last they saw each other; the night was nothing but filled with heavy rain and the faint sound of the streets outside of her apartment in New York, she faced away from him looking outside her window holding into her left hip where he stabbed her after their fight ended in a draw with him getting stabbed in the right shoulder.

"I thought we had something, but I guess I wasn't worth it even start an actual life together....."  her words burned into the deepest part of his heart that still somehow cared for Kiera in some way, but hearing how broken she sounded almost made him want to turn to her and walk over to her to wrap her in his arms and call off everything he had with Helen. 

But John made his choice, and it was Helen. He never regretted anything he had with Helen, but coming back into this life again twice those memories he thought he locked away about Kiera seemed to be slipping back into his mind while he stared out the airplane window watching London below him, but he kept something that even Helen didn't see. Pulling out his phone he couldn't help but look into his locked folder of pictures he kept dear to his heart, most of them were Helen but there was this one that one picture if Kiera he kept close to him. Looking at it now he didn't know why things ended the way they did, seeing the pure smile on Kiera's face as he held her in his arms smiling himself while they just relaxed in bed in her room at the hotel; that old self of Kiera seemed to be gone from what he saw of her recent picture, John only hoped she will allow him to help her in whatever trouble she found herself in.

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