Lustful Darkness [Future Book]

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[a/n: future book chapters won't have a second part]

The twisting feeling inside her stomach worsened the more she thought about what she saw when that old witch threw a fit about her death and possibly even George's death; that thought alone of losing him made her emotions crumble as she climbed the stairs that lead to their private chambers. Bursting into the room, Eveline walked behind the curtains that hid their bed chamber; feeling her head spinning she fell face first against the soft pillows and silk sheets of the bed, the thing she saw after the witch spoke of death made her heart ache and make hear bury her head deeper in the pillows; it's not that she didn't wish for such a future, it was what could possibly follow. 

A son she saw in her own vision, her and George's son; it may have been a glimpse, but she knew deep down the child was theirs. Many outcomes could play out with this problem because of her brother Robin, the first things would play out like they should, the second Robin could fail and be killed not that she would grief for a brother who didn't give her any sort of acknowledgement, the third and last made her heart and gut twist; George could die like the witch said and leave her as a widow and single mother out in the wild alone.

"Eveline" the smooth deep voice of George broke the silence when he walked into their chamber seeing her lying on the bed with her face still hidden from him as he walked closer.

She could hear his boots stop near her before he kneeled down beside her, letting him place his hand on her light brown locks; slowly petting her to sooth her out of her hiding spot on the bed. Eveline sighed softly before turning her head away from the pillows and to look at George, already having a feeling that witch told him what she saw in her own vision.

"What exactly did you see?" George asked her wanting to hear what she saw since Moriana the witch could tell him little of what she truly saw.

"Couldn't the old hag see it?" Eveline said while standing up from the bed marching out to the attached living, wanting a drink but she couldn't hold anything down right now.

"She could only tell me so much; I want to hear it from you; now what did you see?" George argued back when following her, grabbing a metal pitch of ale pouring a glass for himself before taking a drink from it.

"Our son..." was all Eveline said, trying to hold back a small smile when she heard George spit out some of his drink shocked from the news; a reason why she loved him was he made her smile even if he wasn't trying to.

"What?" he asked with a raised eyebrow making sure he heard her right in the first place while leaning a bit more on the table in the room with his arms.

"Oh, I think you heard me, who knows might be wrong, but I highly doubt that" she turned to face him placing her hands on her hips trying to act like it was a silly vision, but her visions were never wrong.

George was silent for a moment while watching Eveline closely while his mind was racing with the very thought of her being pregnant with their child; with visions like this there was no telling when or where this time will happen, yes, they are engaged and have been for four months now and have yet to set a wedding date since his original plans were still in effect and having Robin return also made it much worse. He knew Eveline's visions were never wrong when he first met her out in the field a mile away from her old home, but a child a son to be the first born to the sheriff of Nottingham if he would live to see that day.

"George you better say something" Eveline broke his train of thought when he looked up into her light blue eyes that could be mistaken for white; seeing the worry and tension behind them when he did not speak for a while.

George moved away from the table and walked over to Eveline's side, seeing the tears building up in her eyes; wrapping his arms around her George pulled her close to him. Letting her bury her face into his chest feeling her shaking from this thought of their future son.

"I know the vision of our son doesn't trouble you, what are you fearing my darling?" he spoke while running his fingers through her soft hair that always smelled of fresh roses and mint to him.

"If what Moriana says is true, I can't lose you; I'd rather die than live without you" Eveline's voice broke in a soft sob that broke George's stone heart into pieces, hearing what she truly feared made him hold her close when a broken sob escaped her soft lips.

"I won't meet my end so easily, Saten or God himself will have to slay me; I will not leave your side Eve" George spoke as he held her in his arms making a promise to her, using his little nickname for her when he comforts her which makes her smile every time.

Placing his hands on her cheeks, he made her look at him; seeing a small warm smile on her face when bushing her hair out of her beautiful face that he loved dearly, smiling himself that he only showed her and her alone; he leaned down while she leaned up. Letting their lips meet in a kiss, her lips were always so soft against his; she couldn't help but softly giggle since his beard tickled to her, he chuckled himself in the kiss before he suddenly picked Eveline up making her squeal in surprise.

"We might as well get started" he smirked a charming smile when carrying her to their bed.

"Are you using this vision as an excuses?" she asked but laughed when being placed on top of the bed as he crawled on top of her with that stormy lustful look in his eyes.

"Do I really need an excuse to ravish my own gorgeous fiancé?" he spoke between each kiss he gave her across her face.

"No" she giggled a bit knowing he never needed an excuse to have her in every way possible; before she let out a small gasp when feeling his lips against her neck, closing her eyes while her hands came up to his black hair tugging on it the way he liked it to make him let out a groan letting them both give into their own lustful darkness they had behind closed doors within these walls.

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