Kylo Ren X Reader [Come Back To Me]

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You never knew how much silence there was around you now on this planet, a random one you picked out to escape the clutches of the First Order; there was no love loss with those people after the things you've seen and done yourself the only thing you wish you could do was bring him with you, but you knew he would never go, no matter how much you both loved each other. You still couldn't believe it was almost a year since you left, and you just hoped you will remain hidden from the order to save yourself from any sort of punishment from your old master.

Inside your hut you were sharpening your hunting knife making sure it was sharp enough to cut the meat you caught last night for dinner; but you somehow started feeling a pressure in your body that you haven't felt for a long time, standing up from where you sat you tried to pinpoint the feeling inside of you when you closed your eyes for a moment.

"[Y/N]?" the deep and smooth voice that called out your name made you jump and gasp for a moment when your turned around clenching your knife tighter in your hand.

But you relaxed when you saw him, seeing Kylo again somehow standing in front of you somehow; you could see he stood in the medical bay he has never been there and seeing the faint scar on his face now made you worry when dropping your knife on the ground to step closer to him.

"What happened?" you asked when stepping slightly closer when Kylo stood up from the chair, never breaking his brown eyes from your [E/C] eyes, not even once.

"It doesn't matter, how are you doing this?" he pushed your question away without thinking before asking his own question about how you both could see each other.

"I-I'm not" you found yourself stuttering for some reason when you had no idea how this was happening.

"Can you see my surroundings?" Kylo asked when glancing around the room wondering if you could see them.

"Kylo I-" you wanted to speak but didn't know what to speak about after what you did.

"I can't see yours, just you...." Kylo cut you off when turning back to you showing an emotion that he only showed you and it broke your heart when seeing the hurt and broken look on his face.

Guilt built inside of you for leaving Kylo that night when you had enough, feeling like you betrayed him the most when suddenly vanishing into the night without a soul knowing where you were going; a recon mission you lied and vanished hoping they would think of you dead even if you were just as great a warrior like Kylo in the order.

"I'm sorry..." was all you could whisper out to him with your eyes filling up with built up tears not knowing what else to say to him.

Kylo let out a heavy sigh hearing your apology, did he really wish to hear it from you or even see you? The thought of him hating you was eating you up when he looked away from you, you couldn't live with yourself if he hated you for trying to do something right.

"I-I know we promise we'd stick together but.....what the order made me do I couldn't live with it and act like it was for the greater good" you stuttered a bit knowing the promise you both made, sighing heavily when remembering what you did before leaving was still fresh in your mind and you hated yourself.

"And you couldn't come to me, to talk about what was wrong!" Kylo slightly shouted at you when turning to look at you with some anger in his eyes, he always had a short temper you knew this very well.

"I couldn't....." you whispered to him hating how he was looking at you right now.

"Why not?" he growled a bit stepping slightly closer to you like you were standing in front of him in the room.

"I'm looking at the reason right now" you said letting your tears fall, you didn't want him to look at you like this if you spoke about your problems and saying you didn't want to stay in the order any longer.

Those very words made Kylo realize just how his anger was taking over him and how he was looking at you; seeing your broken face like this made his heart clench tightly with pain, he tried reaching his hand out to you but was met with air; you were no longer in front of him now and he couldn't bring you back either. Clenching his hands into fists tightly, gritting his teeth together when he slammed his right hand into the wall next to him leaving a dent there when the image of your face still burned in his mind; you slowly backed up to the wall of your hut, slowly sliding down it until you sat down on the ground before bringing your legs close to you and wrapping your arms around them to bury your face in your legs while you let more tears fall from your eyes as you cried in silence feeling your heart shatter.

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