Reading The Room

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This reminded shadow of when he first introduced sandwiches to sonic instead of chilidogs he gave a similar spark in his eye for a few minutes until he finished and Then he lays back next to shadow on bed. He says "I'm going to wash up and Sonic says "You just layed down" he says "I know I'll be out quick and You don't forget one" with that idea sonic smirks. He sneaks in the shower as shadow is mid way in finishing he touches their back and Rubs their waist then shadow is surprised turning to be greeted with green eyes he wondered why did they look so dead, So fake he turned back around getting a whine from the blue hedgehog. He always knew when something was wrong with his sonic like a two sense and When it came to this one he couldn't read his intentions what is he thinking he wonders to himself, Besides just sex what is his true motive. Sonic continues to touch shadow for a few more minutes, then Washes himself up making his quills sparkle as if they started gaining color back from all the black groin running out of them and Then shadow says "Let me help you this is how you wash" he grabbed the rag rubbing sonics sensitive back muscles.

Sonic squealed for a quick second making shadow wonder if it hurt so he Washed slower then a brighter blue hue soon returned to this blue hero he smiled he was impressed with shadows work. He says "Thank you seems I've forgotten how to clean myself back their" he laughed yet in his mind he rethinks, "Being clean feels so filthy somehow yet this is his way of feeling unfilthy mortals are strange and Perhaps backwards" he chuckled. Sonic was so used to lavabaths, Bone baths or Dead soul like hot springs they felt like the best steam against the flesh even thought demons never had to really clean themselves it was just a fun process like a game in the darkworld. He sits on the bed as shadow switches between channels to find a show that talks of who is the mother sonic seemed to get right into it this also brought memories to shadow the blue one shouted, Go girl" shadow laughed at sonic. That expression on his face seemed like a genuine look of joy and Sonic was actually thinking that he loved the misserery and Shockful reactions, Yes the drama was satisfying shadow got up from a chair going to sonic both lay close in bed together enjoying tv.

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