Drugs, Money & Fame

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(Tom's POV)

The power finally turned back on, filling me with joy, I can finally open my laptop, the laptop I've been dying to open all day. My twin brother Bill and I were evil, we loved stalking, especially younger girls, not too young though, we only went for girls that were only a year or two younger, we weren't that weird. We're only 17 years old, we had a pretty messed up childhood too, I won't go into much detail about that but i'm pretty sure you get the catch. All I wanted was for someone I could make mine, someone I could keep forever, a girl that would do anything I told her too, a girl that I could treat however I wanted, like my own pet.

Bill and I are apart of a gang, Riddles Of Death it was called, at 17 years old, it sounds crazy but that's just how it was. We didn't grow up like any other child would, our father was in a gang as-well, killing and torturing anyone who messed with him, and we aspired to be like that. That's all we saw when we were younger, drugs, money and fame, that was all that mattered to us.

I opened MySpace, that's where I found all of my victims, or at least where I found most of them. I scroll through my feed, looking at all the beautiful girls that were on it, God I needed someone so badly, my mind was somewhere else when I looked at them. I scrolled and scrolled, scrolled until I finally reached someone, it looked like her name was Poppi, "PoppiLund0203" her username wrote. I clicked on her profile, Bill leaning over me, invested in what was going on. She had a-lot of posts about her life, mostly depressing ones. She seemed like the perfect girl to manipulate, the perfect girl to lure into my trap.

I saw that she wrote something about her family having fights, my heart dropped to my stomach. I knew exactly how she felt, Bill and I argue 24/7, it never really ended-and it would always be about dumb shit too, drugs, money or women. I also saw that she was moving to Leipzig, my hair stood on end, leaving me with more happiness then I did, this was perfect. We didn't have to do anything, all we had to do was wait for her, wait for her to fall into our trap. We had to put in the hard work though, the hard work as in the manipulation, Bill wasn't the best at it, Bill was kind and caring, he was evil, but not as evil as I was. He wasn't as mentally disturbed as me, he took his trauma pretty well, he had self control and some respect for others. Whereas for me, I couldn't give less of a fuck about how I treated people, especially my pets.

She only had a few posts of herself, she had waist length straight black hair with white stripes, she also looked really short, 4'11 to be exact. But I only went for short girls, they were easy to get a hold of, easy to pick up and throw around like a rag doll. My eyes glistened as I looked at her photos, I was mesmerised-she was so beautiful. Her skin was pale like a ghost as freckles covered her body-she looked like a painting of a beautiful night sky, I was falling into her eyes, her deep brown eyes, I felt like if I stared at them long enough I would fall into a deep pool of honey. My thoughts were overtaking me, I couldn't fall in love, my women were nothing but pets, they were the dirt at the bottom of my shoes.

Bill turns to me, the evil look on his face told me exactly what he was thinking. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" he smirked, licking his lips. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Message her, you won't" he chuckled, making me want to even more than I did.

Bill then gets up, snapping me out of my head. "I've got business to do Tom so I gotta go, don't do anything dumb this time" he said. I knew exactly what he was talking about, our last girl ended up getting killed by our own father. It was an accident of course, but it was my fault, and i'll never forget that night.

"I won't Bill, trust me, this ones a gem" I replied, smirking as I licked my lip ring.

I had my plan all sorted out, I'll ask her a few questions about her life, get our dad to book us tickets to wherever she was and make her mine. I knew my plan would work out, Bill and I are absolute fucking geniuses. I knew Poppi was a gem, she was a diamond and I knew that just by looking at her.

I clicked on her profile again and pressed the message button, my heart was racing, I couldn't wait to make to her mine. I knew I could, my words were like crack, you take it once then it makes you want more, and more.

"Hey, I saw your post about your sister, you wanna talk about it? I'm open to talk if ur comfortable." I messaged, this was too easy.

I sat their, staring at the message I had just sent. Shivers run down my spine, I was shaking with over excitement. She didn't reply straight away, she was probably baffled. She seemed like a loser, she didn't seem like she had friends, anyone who uses MySpace doesn't really have any friends.

As I stared at my screen, waiting for a reply, I finally got one. "Uhh hey, sure I'm open to chat but who are you lmao?" she wrote back. My stomach sunk, that sick feeling you get, but in a good way. I felt so powerful, even though she seemed confused, I knew she was happy someone messaged her.


We talked for what felt like hours. I call Bill from my room, longing to tell him what happened, I felt like I was on top of the world. I finally made someone mine.

Bill opens the door carefully with a smirk, like he knew something good happened.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"She's moving here Bill, it was meant to be" I replied, a smirk wiping across my face.

"No fucking way-"

"Yep" I interrupted.

"She's moving here? Well what school is she going to? And when?" He asked quickly, wanting to know every detail.

"Leipzig University, she's moving in two years which gives us enough time to plan everything out" I replied.

"But what about-"

"I'll get dad to enrol us there, he has the power over everything remember?" I interrupted again. I stared into Bill's eyes, excitement with a tint of worry wiped across his brown eyes. He already owned someone, but he was happy I could finally get someone for myself.

I felt pure evil, but with a bit of sorry, but that didn't matter to me, my emotions were invisible when it came to women, like I said, they're the dirt at the bottom of my shoes. I didn't care what I did to them, I didn't care what they wanted or how they wanted to be treated, all I wanted was to feel empowerment and a sense of control.


Riddles Of Death - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now