Satan's Hands

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I felt so betrayed, I felt like my world had already ended, first I lost my virginity in the worst way possible, then theres my sister who's literally on her death bed, and we're now considered as missing kids, this place was a living nightmare. And the worst part is, is that I missed our mum more than anything, and that's really hard for me to say, because well, I despise her, I hate her with my whole heart, I wished she was dead, but something about being at home made me feel comfort for once. I had never, ever in my life wanted to be home, and nor did Lucia, but I knew well that both of us would want to be anywhere but here. I missed our deep talks at midnight, I missed us listening to our favourite Deftones and My Chemical Romance songs, the joys of us both laughing at stupid memes together while our Mum was having a mental breakdown, I missed everything. But now, everything has already changed so drastically in such a short time, and even if we escaped things wouldn't be the same, nothing would be the same, we would both be traumatised for the rest of our lives. Was this going to be our new home? Is this what life is now? Are we stuck here, forever? Every bad thought was racing through my mind like cars.

I slowly trailed myself to the bathroom to clean myself, my body was entirely covered in Tom's, Lucia's, and my blood, it made me sick to my stomach even thinking about it. I reached to the bathroom and opened the door, I looked down at the floor, the blade was still on the ground as-well as my blood. I had no clue how long it had been there for, I couldn't even remember how long I was in this hellhole for, maybe a week? 2 weeks? I had no clue.

I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me. I stripped my underwear off and my bra since that was the only thing I was wearing. I grabbed the nearest towel to me and scrunched my underwear in it, trying to get the excess blood out of it, I then did the same thing with my bra. I squirmed a-bit as I watched the fresh blood drip onto the ground. I quickly threw my bra and underwear onto the soaking wet floor and walked to the shower, not even bothering to look at myself before I got in. I turned the shower on and put my hand underneath it, intaking the pleasure of the hot water dripping the blood off of my hand, like the devil himself was taking my hand in his.

I was about to step into the shower until a knock came on the door. I rolled my eyes aggressively, already annoyed by the fact that my only time for some peace and quiet was being interrupted once again. "Who is it?!" I yelled.

"It's Tom" He mumbled through the door, still knocking. His voice was poisonous, it sent shivers down my spine, even hearing his name made me nervous.

"Oh for fuck sake" I mumbled. "What do you want?" I yelled over the top of the shower.

"I have some clothes for you" His voice sounded softer this time, he could barely even talk from what I could hear, but he sounded like he was sorry for everything he had done, and bringing me clothes? He was so bipolar it wasn't even funny, I had a really bad feeling.

I sighed as I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my naked body. I opened the door slightly and peeked my head behind it, revealing his tall, but buffed figure. He also had a tissue on his lip where his piercing was, it made me feel kind of bad, did I go too far?

"Nice lip" I smirked.

He giggled slightly, a short but genuine smile appearing on his evil face. "Don't be scared" Tom cheekily smiled, his eyes slowly glazing at my cleavage.

"My eyes are up here" I snarled.

"Please don't be scared Poppi, please"

"Why wouldn't I be scared?" I snarled again, slowly closing the door.

"You can open the door, I'm not gonna hurt you" He mumbled softly, his voice was so angelic, his German accent rolled off of his tongue so perfectly, I hated it.

"And how do I trust that after you just raped me!". He sighed as he took a deep breath in, clearly too tired to argue. "Look, I have some clean clothes for you, here." He then passes me a pair of underwear, a bra, a shirt and some sweatpants through the door.

I looked down at the clothes in his hands, hesitant if I should take the them or not. "Don't be ridiculous Poppi, they're just clothes" I thought to myself, mentally slapping myself as-well from my thoughts.

"Thanks"I mumbled under my breath as I snatched the clothes out of his hands, quickly slamming the door shut in the face. I quickly examined the clothes he had given me, the t-shirt and pants looked like they were way too big for me, so I looked at the tag on the bra to see if that would fit. The bra was black and lacy, more like lingerie with the matching underwear, it was cute I can't lie.

"C cup, yay!" I yelled. I was only a little bit smaller than a C, but any C cup was fine for me. I hung the clothes up and stepped into the shower, feeling the warmth of the boiling hot water rinse all the blood off of me felt elastic, it was a humanoid kind of feeling. I didn't really care to wash my hair, all I wanted to do was to get all the blood off of me.

I felt a sort of stinging on my arm, I slowly looked down at my wrists. "Damn" I stuttered, I forgot about the cuts for a second, and they were stinging like crazy. I got immediate flashbacks from Tom, the way he went from seeming so loving and caring, to quickly becoming the most evil person I've met in only a few minutes. But what killed me more is the fact that Bill seemed like he cared so much about Lucia and I, but he raped and stabbed my sister, stabbed her to almost death, the thought of it made me wince.


I turned the hot water off slowly, feeling relieved that I've got all of the nasty blood off of me, I feel so fresh. I stepped out of the shower carefully as the water drips off of me and steam fires off of my body, like I just got out of a sauna.

I wiped my body with the towel to get all the water off of me, I was so excited to put the new clothes on, even though they were Tom's and probably smelt like him too, I didn't mind. I grabbed the clothes that were hanging on the rack and slowly put them on. First the bra which fitted perfectly, then the matching underwear. I looked at myself in the mirror and examined my body, I looked so...elegant, like I was some sexy prostitute, but in a good way. I then quickly chucked on the shirt and pants which weren't that big, but still hung off of me a little.

I suddenly heard a bunch of ruckus coming from downstairs, I assumed it was the doctor, or maybe Tom and Bill getting into another argument, who knew in this household.

"Hello Mrs Fischer" I heard Bill's German accent from downstairs, my heart skipped a quick beat.


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