Masters Of Manipulation

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I sprinted through the bushes, letting every single stick and branch pierce my skin, I have never ran more faster to my sister than ever before. I made it to the playground behind the school, and to not my surprise there she was, with Bill. I was standing a-bit far away, causing me to squint my eyes as I could see another man with her, he was tall, with cornrows. I knew exactly who it was. I was hesitant, but I needed to get Lucia away from them, if Tom could do such things to me, I'm sure Bill wouldn't have a problem doing so to Lucia either. I ran towards them, the bark beneath me crunching with every footstep.

"Lucia!" I yelled to her.

"Poppi!" She yelled back, running towards me with her arms spread wide. Her hug felt so comforting, I felt like I was at home already.

"Oh my God are you okay?! What the hell happened, and what the fuck happened to your head?!" She stressfully exclaimed, patting my body down like a body guard.

"He, HE did this!" I pointed to Tom, then to the jacket wrapped around my bloody head.

"And you, you Bill, you guys are psychotic!" I yelled, tears almost forming in my eyes.

"Poppi calm down, please!" Lucia cried to me. I was too focused on holding them accountable that I didn't even take any notice on Lucia's cries.

Lucia then grips onto my wrist and pulls me to where they were sitting.

"No Lucia, I'm not going anywhere near them!" I yelled, pulling myself from her grip.

"Fine!" Lucia then pulls me into an alleyway next to the playground, my heart rate getting faster and faster.

"Tell me what the fuck happened Poppi, NOW!" She yelled, almost piercing my ears.

"Tom fucking assaulted me, all because I didn't wanna fuck him in the classroom, TOM IS PSYCHOTIC LUCIA!" I yelled as a bit of spit flies from my mouth.

"Let me have a look" She then unwraps the jacket from my head, her face drops as she stares at the damaged cut.

"Is it bad?" I asked, genuinely worried for myself.

"Poppi...This is some hospital type shit!" She exclaimed, she really wasn't helping the situation.

"Yeah no fucking shit Lucia" I replied, I wanted to slap her across the face for making me more anxious then I already was.

"Wait, so how the hell did this all happen?!" She yelled, extremely concerned.

"Tom tried to touch me, basically wanting to fuck me in the classroom, he grabbed my waist and then-"

"Fucking bullshit" A German accent spoke from behind. My heart drops to my stomach, my stomach turned in fear. Lucia and I turned around, staring up at the most evil people we've ever met to walk this earth.

"Bullshit?! What the fuck do you mean bullshit?!" I spat. My eyes felt like they were turning red, I was so angry I just wanted to kill them both.

"That never happened Poppi" Tom softly replied, his calmness made me even more angrier.

"Of course it happened, this is literally your fucking jacket!" I pointed to the black cotton jacket wrapped around my bruised head.

"I don't know how you got that, you psychotic bitch!" He spat back at me. Was he actually trying to manipulate me right now? This had to be some sort of joke.

"I'm psychotic?! I'm the psychotic one?! You tried to fucking kill me, YOU'RE THE PSYCHOTIC ONE TOM!" I yelled as I watch him roll his eyes, letting out a slight chuckle. I was so angry I felt like steam was about to come out of my ears.

Lucia then turns to me, a concerned look on her face. "Are you lying Poppi?" She questioned. I couldn't believe the words that just rolled off of her tongue so smoothly, was she actually going to believe that psychopath over me? Her own fucking sister?!

"Are you serious Lucia?! You're gonna believe THAT over ME? Your own sister?!" I yelled, I genuinely couldn't believe what I was hearing, from my own blood.

"I don't know Poppi, Tom just seems more believable" She shrugged, I felt like killing all three of them.

I quickly see Tom and Bill giggling in the corner of my eye.

"What the fuck are you laughing at, Bill!" I spat. I felt like I was being cornered, and by my own sister, my own blood. I felt even more alone than I already did.

"You wanna get feisty?" He replied, his posture being more still and tough.

"Yeah, and what're you gonna do? Assault me like you psychotic brother did!" I spat back. I stared into Bill's eyes, his eyes identical to Tom's, I felt like I was looking right at him. I still had a soft spot for him.

"Don't Bill-" Tom pushes Bill away from me. As if Bill was actually going to do something, lets be real.

"I can't believe you guys, all of you guys! And especially you Lucia, you're a fucking bitch!" I yelled, I just wanted to scream. "And you Tom, don't even get me started on you!" I pointed to Tom, "Oh and you Bill, I don't even know you and I HATE you!" I pointed to Bill. I didn't even care if I looked crazy, I had every right to go crazy. My head was pounding, my adrenaline was gushing through my veins. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I had every single right on this planet to go mad, I wanted to go mad, I wanted all three of them to know how messed up I felt, and especially Lucia.

"Poppi calm the fuck down!" Tom spat. He reaches for my arm but I quickly flinched. "I told you not to touch me, EVER...AGAIN!" I yelled, pushing his veiny arms away from me. I felt like killing myself right there and then, letting the blood spill out of my head in-front of them. I wanted them to see how I felt, I wanted them to feel the immense pain they were causing me. I wanted Lucia to know how much she's betrayed me, believing that monster of a human over her own twin, her other self.

I gripped onto Lucia's arm, grabbing her as hard I could. "We're going home, now!" I yelled in her face.

"No Poppi, you're fucking crazy!" She yelled back. I couldn't tell if she was actually being serious or not, or if Bill's somehow manipulated her into hating me all of a sudden.

"I'm crazy?! Oh don't even get my started Gia" I scoffed, frustrated by her attitude towards me.

"Gia?" The twins say in sync. I rolled my eyes, I really wasn't in the right mood to explain to them her nick name. They didn't need to know anything more about us.

"It's short for Lucia, don't question it" Lucia interrupts. I stared into her brown eyes, like I was staring into my own. I felt like I was looking at myself. Her eyes turned worried, like she was genuinely scared of me, that's never happened before. My older sister instincts were coming out, I was no longer sucking up to her, I was now being the older sister I was. Even though I was only a few minutes older, I still felt older.

I loosened my grip on her arm, making her flinch quickly from me. I felt like a monster, they were genuinely manipulating me. I stepped backwards, trembling a-bit on the rocks beneath me.

"We're leaving now Lucia, it's getting late-" I looked at my watch to see that it was 8:00pm.

"It's 8:00pm Lucia, we're past our curfew!" I yelled stressfully. I grabbed her arm aggressively, making my grip even more tighter then ever. I ran to the nearest bus stop, making sure we were far from those monsters. Lucia dragging herself with my tight grip.

I pulled my phone out to order a Taxi.

"Mum's gonna kill us now thanks to you Lucia!" I spat at her, still holding her wrists.

"Not my fault" She mumbled.

"Well it's definitely not mine" I mumbled back as I ordered the Taxi. The Taxi finally arrives. I swung the door open and shoved Lucia into the back seat. I opened the passenger seat and got in, buckling my seatbelt aggressively. I look up into the rear view mirror, making sure Lucia had her seatbelt on.

"Seatbelt" I mouthed to her. She rolls her eyes as she buckled her seatbelt.


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