Twin Flames, pt1

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"I work for these men as-well as their father, and I'm a doctor not a cop!" She raised her voice, it scared me a little. "My job here is done, you both will be fine, besides these men own you anyway, so good luck with trying to leave, they'll just kill you anyway" She finished before storming out of the room and slamming the door shut.

"Fucking bitch!" I spat at the door. I turned to Lucia slowly, huffing and puffing from not just anger, but sadness. A quick sad look appeared on her bruised face.

"We'll be okay, I promise" I said as I wiped a tiny tear from her cheek.

"Okay? We're not gonna be okay Poppi, we will never be okay!" She yelled as her voice cracked a-bit.


"No Poppi, I'm sick of hearing these lies from you, just tell me its never gonna be okay instead of lying to me!"

"Lucia we'll be okay, you got stabbed and you're fucking alive, don't you have a little hope?!" I stood up from the bed, my body shaking from the adrenaline.

"Exactly Poppi, I got stabbed, multiple times!" She yelled. "I can't do this anymore Poppi, I got raped and stabbed, this is a fucking nightmare and it's all your fault!" She paused. "If you didn't fall in love with Tom the second you laid eyes on him this would've never of happened, we wouldn't even be here right now, we'd be at home doing the things we do, but no, we're doing whatever these fuckheads want us to do, you're playing with our lives!" She paused before taking a deep breath in, huffing and puffing.

I got closer to Lucia, I was infuriated by her attitude, she shouldn't even be yelling right now, not with her injuries. "I'm not in love with Tom, I was never in love and never will be!" I shouted, my whole body was shaking with adrenaline.

"Your not in love? Oh please Poppi have you seen yourself with him? You would let him do anything to you, you will never know the pain I've gone through!"

I had nothing left to say, all of the words I had left felt like they were yanked out of my mouth and thrown away.

"You don't think I know what you've gone through Lucia? This isn't a competition like you think it is, this isn't a competition on who's gone through more shit. We're both going through shit and there's stuff that Tom has done to me that you don't even know about, so lower your tone or shut the fuck up, deal?" I finished, a blank stare was all she gave me. Her face was pale, whiter than paper, whiter than a ghost, she looked like she had seen something she shouldn't have. Her eyes quickly shot up over my head, like someone was standing behind me.


(sorry this chapter is really short, this is a part one of what happens and it'll be out soon so don't come at me pls❤️)

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