Motherly Love

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"Hello, Mrs Fischer" Bill's German accent softly spoke from downstairs, my heart skipped an instant beat. "Fuck" I whispered quietly. I quickly heard loud and multiple footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Poppi!" Tom's thick accent spoke, my heart was beating faster than ever.

"What?!" I yelled back, pretending that I had no clue what was going on.

"The doctors here, come!" He yelled again, sounding almost urgent.

"Okay, I-I'll be there in a sec!" I stuttered nervously. I quickly finished putting my clothes on and opened the door slowly, revealing the long and narrow corridor.

I walked down the hallway and reached Bill's room where Lucia was, I was so anxious, yet almost relieved that the doctor was here. I slowly open Bill's door, to not my surprise I see Tom and Bill standing side by side next to the doctor. My eyes quickly pointed to Tom's arm around the doctor, I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Um, what's going on?" I interrupted. Both the doctor and the twins quickly turn around, them now death staring me.

"Are you her sister?" Mrs Fischer asked concerned, she sounded almost worried.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I replied, also abit concerned. I could see Tom staring at my body from the corner of my eye, looking me up and down like he was a dog waiting for his fresh meat.

"Boys, please leave the room" She then gestured them to leave, sort of pushing them away.

"Oh yeah, sure" Bill slightly moaned, they both then walk out of the room as Tom slightly pushes me with his shoulder, not making eye contact whatsoever.

"Close the door please hun" The doctor said softly, her bright white teeth glistening as she smiled. I turned around and closed the door slowly, not making a creak.

"You can sit down you know" She jokingly said, smirking as-well.

"Of course, sorry doctor"

"Oh Poppi, you don't have to call me doctor, call me Mathilda" She innocently smiled as she grabbed a bunch of tools from her bag.

"That's a beautiful name" I smiled slightly, admiring her beauty. Mathilda had long silky black hair, it reminded me of the midnight sky. She had black glasses that made her eyes very big, but it suited her. I couldn't stop admiring her, and the way she talked to me so kindly and softly made me feel a sense of warmth, I felt so comfortable around her, but she was also very intimidating. What intimated me most was the way the boys listened to her instantly, they didn't give her any attitude or fight back, they just did whatever she said, and I admired that about her, she gave me a motherly kind of vibe, that's something I've never really had.

"So, Poppi" She interrupted, I snapped out of my head quickly.

"Yes?" I replied instantly, shaking a little bit. She looked down at my arms, clearly noticing my cuts, she then slowly looked back up at me. I grabbed my wrists and covered them.

"Why so nervous?" She then pulled out a flashlight and looked at my cuts, I felt a little uncomfortable.

"I just wanna know if my sisters okay" I snapped. I felt bad for getting angry, but I didn't have time to worry about myself.

"She's fine love, let me have a look at what you've done" She then slowly reaches for my arm and looks at the cuts, her eyes looking dowy.

"It looks like you went too deep, I have something for you to make it heal quicker" She then turns off the flashlight and reaches for her bag, pulling out a little bottle of what looked like cream and hands it to me.

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