Twin Flames, pt2

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Her eyes shot up above my head, like someone was standing behind me. "What?" I questioned, confused but also aware of who was behind me. I turn around, and to not my surprise it was him, Tom, always popping up at the worst times possible.

"What you ladies talking about?" He smirked, leaning his hand against the door frame, his disgusting smile getting bigger and bigger.

"Personal stuff, it's none your business anyway" I rolled my eyes as I turned back to Lucia, instantly regretting my tone towards him.

"You know can tell me, it's just us 3 anyways" His tone and smile made me feel so fucking uncomfortable, it was feral.

"Why would we tell you anyways after what you just did to us, why would we ever tell you even 1 thing, why would we even want to talk to you Tom, take a big and fat look at yourself and realise what you're actually doing to us" I yelled, crossing my arms as tears welled up in my eyes.

Tom's face instantly turned red, his facial expression's indicated that he was angry, but I didn't give a fuck, he can go cry that we don't wanna talk to him, but he needs to realise what he's doing.

"Just tell me Poppi, you can tell me anything, I don't judge"

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face Tom, you think everything's sunshine and fucking rainbows don't you, well truth is Tom, it isn't. Matter of fact this is hell, a living nightmare in our sense"

"Don't catch an attitude Poppi, you should be happy Lucia isn't a grave, yet"

"What the fuck do you mean "yet", that's bullshit Tom, I hope you know that we aren't staying here forever, you can't keep us here"

"Oh really, so you're planning on escaping? Thanks for letting me know gorgeous" He then taps my cheek and walks out of the room, his posture was so perfect it made me rethink my attitude. Tom was a scary man, and so was Bill, I've never met such a confident yet scary men like them before.

I turned back to Lucia, rubbing my face trying to forget my thoughts.

"What do you think Tom meant by "yet"?" Lucia asked concerned.

"Nothing Lucia, he's just trying to fuck with us, he's trying to mind fuck us so we can be his little puppets"

"But Poppi, they're powerful, I almost died because of Bill, he stabbed me, and raped me, I should be dead by n-"

"Well you aren't, be grateful that you aren't Lucia, you need some rest, go to sleep" I then walked out quickly and shut the door behind me. Lucia was definitely overwhelming me, I had BPD so almost everything overwhelms and overstimulates me, I had to leave it before I end up punching her or something.

I was standing in front of Tom's door, I got instant flashbacks, and I'm usually the one who takes things very well, calm and collected, but something about Tom made me so angry, so furious that it made me want to cry, but cry in his arms. I didn't know what I felt towards Tom, I knew I definitely felt more anger than attraction, but the attraction part is what made me so angry, if that makes sense? I also have a fear for Lucia, she falls in love very quickly, very, very quickly, and it hurts me to watch her fall in love with Bill, it's quiet obvious she's falling in love, we're twins, we're like the exact same person just different fonts.

You know that feeling when you hate, despise and wish death upon a person, but a side of you feels attracted to them, like the devil on your shoulder is telling you that you like them, that you're attracted to them, but you just ignore it. Yeah, that's exactly what Im feeling, and it makes me sick to my stomach, especially with what he's done to me and my sister, not even me, just Lucia. Everything he's done to her, and not even Tom, Bill too, they're both sick in the head, clearly. I was also rethinking if Lucia was right, maybe I am falling in love with Tom...


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