Leipzig, Germany

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I woke up, the birds were chirping forming a melody to my drowsy mind. It was finally the morning of our new college in a country that was very new to us, Leipzig, Germany. The sun glistened through the windows and onto my skin, causing me to feel a slight burn on my forehead.

I then get aggressively woken up to the loud and annoying sound of my alarm."Ugh, it's 6:30 already?" I complained as I yawn and stretch my arms as wide as I can.

Lucia then barges into my room causing me to completely wake up from fear. "Poppi wake up its 8:30!" she yelled, perching my ears.

"No it's not Lucia, it's only 6-" I look at my phone to see that it was in fact, 8:30.

"Shit it is" I mumbled, glaring at my phone-"Did I miss the bus?"

"Yes Poppi you did" she yelled even louder, making me a-bit irritated. "It's our first day and you slept in, good one" she snarled. I really wasn't in the mood to be woken up by yelling.

"Well why didn't you wake me up!?" I yelled stressfully, jumping out of bed to find my morning gown.

"I did Poppi but you wouldn't wake up, not my fault!" she chuckles before storming out of of my room, leaving my door wide open as sisters do. - "Shut the door!"

"Hurry up please" she replied, slamming my door shut.

I run to my messy clothes pile and pick out my outfit for the first day, I wore my black champion hoodie and my green cargo pants, my black air forces and black socks.

I slowly walk to the mirror to look at my outfit, examining and overthinking the day ahead, wondering if i looked good enough, or if this was the style in this country. "I reckon this will be alright" I mumbled. I grabbed my laptop and charger and shove it into my bag and run downstairs.

I reach the bottom of the stairs to see my mother and Lucia sitting and talking, while eating their breakfast. "Oh well look who's awake!" my mum exclaimed as she gets up to hug me, she was so darling, when she wanted to be. Her name was Maria, we never heard anyone ever call her by her full name though, she always went by Ria, she liked it because it reminded her of Rio-Di Jenero, her favourite country when she was a kid.

"Finally" Lucia snarls, looking down at her breakfast.

"Shut up Lucia, not my fault you didn't wake me up properly" I replied cheekily, dropping my bag on the floor to steal some of Lucia's food.

"Hey get your own fucking food!" she yelled causing me to giggle a-bit.

"Stop swearing Lucia" my mum says as she hits the back of Lucia's head.

"Ow!"-she quickly shouts, rubbing the back of her head in annoyance. "Now cmon girls you better get going, you don't wanna miss the bus"

"Yes we know mum" Lucia and I reply in sync. We grab our bags and sprint to the front door.

"Love you!" our mum yells as we fling open the doorway.

"Love you too!" we yell back sarcastically in sync before slamming the door behind us.


"Sooo you excited for our first day?" Lucia exclaims as she shoves me a-bit, causing me to stumble on the concrete beneath.

"Sort of, I dunno know how to feel" I shrugged carelessly, thinking about all the things that could go wrong. We had just moved to a new country, so the possibilities of us getting bullied again were through the roof, but no one knew us, no one knew our faces, our names, our identities, but something inside of me was telling me that school knew us, or someone, like I was traumatised by the words of our bullies, those hatred words we heard everyday.

"Cmon Poppi what's there to be nervous about?"-"I'm not nervous!" I snapped as I looked down at my feet, sort of ashamed by my tone.

"Poppi-" she paused.
"You're my twin sister for god sake, I can tell you're nervous, c'mon talk to me" she says as she sits down at the bus stop, looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"I don't know, what if we get bullied again.."

"We won't, and even if we do who the fuck cares, as long as we have each-other we'll be okay" she says as she smiles at me, a reassuring smile.

"Yeah you're right I guess"


The bus finally arrived after waiting for about 20 minutes, we walk to go to the back of the bus we see more people than we expected, there were a-lot of people but not enough to intimidate us. We walk to the second seat to the back, the back seats were filled with students, we couldn't understand a word they were saying though, they were all saying stuff in German to each-other.


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