Peace Of Mind

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(Bill's POV)

Her hands were elastic, so velvety to touch yet so rough to hold. I chained my hands with hers, making sure she knew I wasn't going to hurt her. She had the most beautifully bronzed eyes, almost identical to Lucia's. It felt like I could sink in them if I stared into them long enough, but they were filled with phobia, already filled with trauma and misery.

I gently lifted her arm up, examining the fresh and exposed wounds she'd created. I carefully stroked the cuts, counting each and every line in my head, there were a-lot and God I felt so monstrous, I felt like the villain and I wasn't even the one causing her this pain.

I look down at her diminutive figure looking back up at me, fear printing across her eyes. "Why would you do that to yourself Poppi?" I questioned, genuine worry and concern in my tone.

Her face ran frigid, her hands running as cold as ice, sending shivers down my spine instantly as her face goes from fearful to furious.

"Are you serious Bill? Are you actually fucking serious? We're stuck here in the hands of you and your stupid brother!" She spat, her hands gripping harder against mine. I shoo-shed her up quickly, worried that Tom would be standing behind that door with his famous Desert Eagle, listening carefully to every single sound coming from the other side.

I gripped onto her hands tighter than ever, looking deep into her eyes to make sure she was listening, very carefully.

"Look, I know you don't want to be here, and neither does Lucia, but their is no way we're letting you go" I held onto her hands, her sweat rubbing against my tight grip. Tears quickly welled up in her eyes, tears pooling into mine as-well. I felt for her, all I wanted to do was give her the biggest hug, make her feel like she had someone with her. But I couldn't, Tom would have no hesitation to shoot me right in the head if I ever did something with her.

She was pleading for answers, and I didn't blame her, these girls just got kidnapped and are now being forced to live with four random men, well not so random for Poppi but for Lucia, I felt more for her than for anyone else, and that's never happened before. I've always been the nicer twin, I was still evil and would do most things Tom did, but I had my ways of making it up, because I had a heart, and Tom simply didn't. His heart was frigid, his words always lured women in and I wasn't really sure if it was his hair and bandana that made women fall into his trap, or his eyes or lip piercing, but it definitely was his words. He had his ways of making women feel like they were the most special girl in the world, then quickly crushing their sanity and turning them into the most fucked up version of themselves, he truly was a master manipulator.

"Tom is the leader Poppi, you need to understand that neither of us can control what he does, no matter what happens to you we can't help you" I made sure she was understanding every single word that came out of my mouth. She didn't know us well enough to know what we did around here, I didn't think she even knew what our gang was even called.

I turned to the door, dreading to know where Tom could be, he could be on the other side of the country for all I know.

"Wait Bill-" She put her arm out to stop me but I quickly flicked it away.

"I have to go find Tom, please go to his room or something to calm down" I finished. I was hoping she would shut up and listen to me, she needed to listen wether she liked it or not, for her own sake and sanity.

"But Bill, please-" I quickly slammed the door shut, stopping her from finishing her sentence. I had no time to stand around and comfort her, I had to make sure Tom was okay. I walked away from the door, quickly trailing to the staircase. I reached to the kitchen, running to the counter and grabbing my keys to head out of the door.

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