Suck It Up Princess

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(This chapter contains rape and sexual violence)

(Poppi's POV)

"HELP ME POPPI! HELP ME PLEASE!" Lucia screamed and cried from Bill's room. I sat their with my head against the wall, tears almost covering the entire bed. "I'm sorry Lucia, I'm so fucking sorry" I cried quietly, banging my head against the wall out of pure anger, more anger at myself than anyone.

I listened to the walls bang and the rustling of them both. "You're gonna make this harder for yourself Lucia!" Bill's muffled voice yells through the walls, almost clear enough for me to hear.

Lucia's loud cries through his room sent me shivers down my spine. My heart shattered and ached, all I wanted to do was run in their with a gun and shoot Bill right in the head, but I was scared for what was going to happen if I did. I know I said that I would protect Lucia from anything and anyone, even if it came to my life being in danger, until it came to actual danger. I've now realised how dangerous these men really are, how much of zero fucks they give about anyones safety and life. It shattered me to pieces hearing Lucia scream like that, especially because I've never heard her scream so loud in my life. Her screams were like the dumb blonde girl getting slaughtered in some corny horror movie, it was even that terrifying hearing it from your own sister.

I could feel Tom's dark presence lurking at the door, my heart had never beat faster in my life. From what I heard they were both very angry and whatever Bill was doing to Lucia, Tom would possibly do the same thing to me.

I watched as Tom aggressively turns the door handle and flings the door wide open. I quickly covered myself with the blankets of me being half naked. He just stood at the doorway, no expression on his face whatsoever.

His eyes were directly pointed at me, a quick but short smirk wiping his face. "She isn't dying Poppi, Bill wouldn't dare to kill his own property now would he?" Tom seductively spoke over the top of Lucia's screams. God I hated how calm he was all the bloody time, how un phased he was about everything.

He slowly trails towards the bedside table as he picks up one of the needles. I wasn't even concerned about the needle at this point, I was more concerned on what the fuck Bill was doing to Lucia.

"Then what the fuck is he doing to her?!" I yelled as I got up from the bed, revealing to Tom my half naked body.

He turned to me, his eyes quickly laying onto my breasts. "What, you haven't seen tits before?" I spat, rolling my eyes to the fact that my body was all he seemed to care about.

"I've seen plenty" He spat back, rolling his eyes as he examines the needle and puts it back onto the table.

"What the fuck is Bill doing to her!" I yelled again as I stomped my feet.

"Probably raping her" He calmly replied.

"RAPE? BILL IS RAPING MY SISTER?!" I yelled which caused Tom to look at me with confusion.

"Yep" He paused "You'll be next if you don't pipe down" He finished, his hands in his pockets.

"Let me go in there!" I begged.

Tom scoffed, shaking his head like I was some idiot. "Not happening sweetheart"

I glanced at the door, contemplating wether to go in there and give it a try, or do what Tom wanted me to do, either option was risky.

Tom quickly notices me glancing at the door, both of us now reading each other minds. He scoffs. "Don't even think about it, do you want to die?" He smirked. That sentence made my whole body feel paralysed.

I glanced at the door once more. "No, I don't" I replied, still glaring at the door.

"Good girl, now-" Before Tom could finish his sentence I ran for the door, aggressively trying to open it like it was the most difficult thing in the world. Tom was way too quick for me as he runs towards me and quickly grabs my waist, throwing me to the bed like I was as light as a feather. I staggered onto the bed, my legs aching and my head dizzying from how quickly he threw me. He slowly trails towards me, scoffing. "You've lost a few pounds" He smirked.

"Fuck off Tom!" I spat "Let me go in there!" I yelled, holding my head to restrict myself from throwing up.

"Are you stupid or something Poppi?!" He paused "I said" He took another step closer "Not.Happening" He finished as he trails his feet towards me. My legs were shaking in fear, I was half naked in-front of a future murderer, I knew something bad was going to happen to me.

He lowers his body on top of mine, his hot cigarette and liquor scented breath hitting my neck and giving me shivers down my spine. Our chests were now touching, I could feel both of our heartbeats hitting each-other. He slowly lingers his fingers up my thighs, making a pattern with his trail. "Don't Tom, not again" I whined as I struggled to push him off me.

"Just enjoy it would you?!" He snarled as he diggs his nails into my skin.

"Fuck!" I whined, not out of pleasure but out of pain.

"Enjoying it?" He chuckled as he trails his fingers up to my underwear line.

"No Tom, please, I'm only 18, stop!" I whined again, my body getting weaker and weaker the more I fought.

"You're getting weak Poppi, may as-well just let the magic happen" He whispered as he lowers his head to my neck and starts sucking at it.

"Tom that fucking hurts, stop please!" I cried out again. I fell into complete paralysis, I couldn't move anymore muscles, I was completely weak. I just accepted the fact that I was going to get raped, slowly watching my virginity and innocence get completely ripped away from me.

"C'mon Poppi, keep resisting, it's turning me on" He pleaded as he huffed and puffed. His voice was more seductive and deeper. He continues to trail his fingers across my skin until he reaches near my groin, that's when my heart quickly stopped.

"Not there Tom please!" I cried loudly causing Tom to put his dirty hands on my mouth.

"Keep it down bitch!" He spat before slowly shoving his fingers into me. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I screamed out of pain, I had never had this happen to me before, let alone without my consent.

"You like it like this?" He slowly pulls his fingers out "Or like this?" He then shoves his fingers deeper into me. It felt like his fingers were in my stomach from how far he put them in.

"FUCK!" I wailed at the top of my lungs.

"Louder Poppi, LOUDER!" He wailed back as he shoves his fingers in and out.

"TOM STOP PLEASE!" I cried loudly, tears streaming down my face.

"LOUDER!" He yelled as he kept going faster and faster.

"I said STOP!" I yelled. I quickly with no hesitation reached to his lip ring and yanked it out of his lip causing him to jolt himself back and land hard on the floor.

I held his now useless piercing in my palm, staring at it and quickly realising what I had just done. He held his mouth as blood quickly started to gush out of his lip. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed as more blood started to leave his lip. It made me giggle a-bit to watch him in so much pain.

I look down at my underwear, a dark red pool of blood was soaking through my underwear and onto the bed. "Why the fuck am I bleeding?!" I yelled as I stared at the blood pile underneath me.

"Forget about that Poppi MY LIP HAS A HOLE IN IT!" Tom screamed. I flipped him off as I continued to stare at the pile of blood.

"How did this happen?!" I whispered, sniffling my nose. I looked back at Tom as he cried and held his lip that now had a giant ring shaped hole in it.

"Suck it up princess" I spat at his loose and weak figure. "Keep crying like the little bitch you are!" I spat again.

He looked up at me from the floor, tears streaming down his face that was also mixed with blood. "I'm sorry Poppi-"

"Oh save it Tom, I'm sick of hearing your stupid sorries, they don't mean shit to me anymore!" I yelled as I got up from the bed, ready to storm into Bill's room and choke him to death. I got up from the bed, letting the blood pooling out of me drip onto the floor.

"Don't go in there Poppi!" Tom yelled. I turn around, a deathly look on my face. "You don't own me Tom" - "I do as I please".


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