Talk To Me

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I woke up with Tom's arms wrapped around me, I was lying on my side as his arms were tight around my stomach. I just laid there, appreciating this moment before he woke up and became a monster again. I rubbed his hands with mine, it was such a nice feeling touching him and not being yelled at for it. It felt nice to wake up and not be in stress or any pain, but that feeling didn't last long because I remembered what today was, today was the day that Bill and I fucked, for a deal, I felt terrible about it, I felt bad for Tom, and I was petrified incase he would find out. Tom was going out somewhere today, and I knew Lucia would be asleep because she was still recovering from her stab wounds, so it was a perfect day to just get it over and done with.

I slowly push Tom's arms off of me and jumped out of bed, stretching my arms wide. I walked over to the drawer stand to grab my dressing gown. I walked out to go downstairs and saw Bill sitting at the table eating cereal, my heart was beating so fast. I straight past him to the cupboard and grabbed some cereal, not even acknowledging him.

"Are you just gonna ignore me?" He said. I turned around and smiled. "Sorry, I just woke up" I smiled innocently and continued making my cereal.

"Does Lucia know?" He questioned, taking a spoonful.

"Know what?" I replied.

"Don't act stupid you know exactly what" He rolled his eyes and walked over to the sink and put his dishes in it.

"No, I don't think she knows, I hope not" I was getting more and more nervous the more I looked at Bill, he made me nervous and not in a good way, he scared me. I didn't know what was gonna happen if either of them found out, but I knew it wasn't gonna be good. I was also rethinking myself, if I made the right decision to do it with Bill and risk getting caught, I didn't know what to do but I knew it was too late, the deal had already been made.

"Be ready by the time Tom leaves, got it?" Bill whispered before quickly walking upstairs to his room. I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head as I watched him walk away, watching his body language as he walks, his posture, his attitude, I was calculating him.

I sat at the table, eating my cereal all by myself, it was quite relaxing I can't lie. The house felt peaceful for once, the only thing I could hear was the tv playing and the radio next to me, it was amazing. I was thinking about the first encounter I had with Tom and Bill on the bus, the look Tom and I gave each-other when he walked off the bus and I will never forget that feeling ever, it felt magical, it felt like a dream when I thought about it. I thought about out Mum, and what she would be thinking right now, I thought about what she would be doing right now, and if she'd ever see us again, but one thought of mine that stuck with me is that I felt comfort here, I felt comfort when I was around Tom and Bill, and I hated it because I didn't wanna make myself feel at home.

I look up stairs and see Tom rubbing his eyes, he was wearing a black and white suit with formal shoes, I was a little confused on what he was doing but I ignored it and continued with my breakfast.

"Sleep well?" He smiled as he walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"I slept fine, did you?" I replied, smiling back at him.

"Better that you were next to me" He smirked at me as he opened his beer with his teeth. I ignored his comment and continued eating, looking around me as if I didn't hear what he said. The room was silent, nothing but awkwardness filled the room, I wanted to kill myself right there and then.

Tom quickly filled the silence. "What're your plans for today?" He questioned. My eyes shot wide open, I had a feeling he knew something was up.

"Probably nothing, what's there to do anyway?" I made up a quick excuse which sounded perfect to me.

"Bill could take you and Lucia for a drive, he said he needs to pick up a few things and he doesn't wanna leave you guys here by yourselves"

I looked up at Tom with confusion. "Why can't we be here by ourselves?".

"I know you too well Poppi, you'll try and run away" Tom squinted his eyes at me, he always found a way to piss me off, I hated it.

"We won't Tom, besides Lucia's still injured and is probs gonna sleep the whole day". I already knew that if Lucia and I were left here by ourselves we would definitely try and escape, but we never would be anyway.

"Well then Bill will take you for a drive, he'll lock Lucia's door and it'll all be fine" Tom then looked at his watch. "I have to go now, I'll be back before 10" He then walked towards me and leant down to my face. "Behave" He quickly walked out of the front door and shut it behind him.

"Finally" I said to myself before looking behind me one more time, making sure he's gone. I rushed to the sink and put my dishes in then ran upstairs to Tom's room. I look at the clock and it was only 11'o clock, so I had plenty of time to talk to Bill.

I walked to Bill's room and knocked on the door. "Bill?" I whispered. He opened the door, looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"You seem abit excited" He said, shutting the door behind him.

"I need to talk you about some things" I replied nervously.

"We'll go to the other room and talk" He then grabbed my arm and walked us to a room that was at the end of the hallway. It was a nice but darkly lit room with a stripper pole in the middle of  it. The nightstand next to the bed had everything you'd need for perfect sex, condoms, lube, pills and some left over Vodka.

"What's this?" I looked around the room then back at Bill.

"The slut room we call it, it's only made for sex as you can tell" He then walked towards me and put his hands on my hips, feeling around them as he looked down at me. "Talk to me, I'm all ears" He put my hair behind my ear as he continued to feel around my body.

"I need to talk to you about this deal, it's stressing me out"

"Why are you stressed? No ones gonna know and besides I'm good in bed, so it's perfect" He got closer to my lips but I quickly pulled away.

"I'm serious Bill, if Tom finds out we're both dead!" I could tell I was about to get over stressed and start yelling, so I calmed down.

"You'd be dead not me, but he's not gonna find out, I promise". Bill was really convincing, and how would he find out anyways, it was a hit or miss but I took my chances anyway.

"I guess you're right, but I'm not dressed or anything, I'm in a robe"

"Go get changed, then we'll talk" He then slapped my ass and pushed me out of the room lightly.

"Be quick" He finished.


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