Words Of Crack

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(Tom's POV)

Bill pushes me, causing me to fall backwards into my seat. I laughed it off as I pushed him back, like children at a sleepover. We laughed hysterically before Bill stops in his seat, glaring at me. "What?" I asked with confusion.

"Do you think this plans gonna work?" he replied, a worried look on his face.

"Quit wining Bill it'll be fine, trust me" I snapped, his anxiety was really pushing him to thin ice. He turns to the window, glaring out of it to look at the view. "Whatever Tom" he mumbled.

My heart was pounding, the hair on my arms standing still. I knew Poppi would be on this bus, maybe with her sister as-well, either way my heart was still ripping out of my chest. Bill turns to me again, a mischievous look on his face this time.

"You ready?" Bill asks, licking his top lip with an evil smirk. I was so confused, he was just anxious about it not even a second ago.

"More than ready" I replied, an evil look on my face as-well. I turned to the front of the bus, to my surprise I see two girls get on, Poppi and Lucia. My heart sinks to the floor, my heart pounding faster and faster the more I looked at them, she was more beautiful than her photos. They looked nervous, but the posture of Poppi masked her nervousness with confidence, I could see right through her. Bill glares at me, rubbing his hands together.

They walk to the two seats that were in-front of us, my heartbeat slowing down the closer she came. She was extremely short, she had dead straight black hair with a tint of pomegranate purple, the sun making her hair look brighter. God she was beautiful, she was so short, so easy to pick up and throw around.

Bill taps on Poppi's shoulder, she turned around, giving me a proper look of her face. I quickly turned to another one of my friends to let Bill concentrate on the talking. I could hear them talking, I was low-key eavesdropping. Her soft sweet voice ran through my ears and sent a painful jolt to my heart, it made me think twice about my plan. She seemed so sweet, so kind and gentle, but I couldn't go against my plan, or my fathers wishes. He would be extremely disappointed if I chickened out.

Looking at her made me realise how excited I was to finally take her innocence, to finally cross the line with something so delicate. I've known her for years, yet she still had no idea who I was. My hair was different, last time she talked to me I had dreadlocks, now I have black cornrows. I was unrecognisable to her. I could finally make her mine, she's fallen for my lies so easily, she was so naive. "You'll safe with me Poppi" - "I'll never leave you my love" Those weren't exactly lies, but the story under my crack worthy words, they twisted with her mind, thinking she really found someone who loved her, someone who would care for her. But that will never happen when it came to me.

I turned to Bill "Hitting up the ladies once again" I commented, making a joke out of him.

"Shut the fuck up Tom" Bill replied in a joking but annoyed matter. I glared at Poppi, her brown eyes mixing with mine as she glared back at me. That was the exact moment my heart threaded with hers. It was as if someone reached down with a sewing needle and stitched my soul to hers. She was a gem, a diamond, a piece of 3 carrot gold. I got the urge to just snatch her out of her place and hold her, her body looked so delicate, so comfortable to just lay on, so simple to touch. Her presence made me feel comfort, I felt like I could be weird and funny around her without a second thought. But I had to keep my guard up, I couldn't let a bitch know what nice thing's I thought about them.


Bill introduces himself to them. "I'm Bill, and this is my brother"- "And I'm Tom, Tom Kaulitz" I interrupted, putting my hand out to shake Poppi's. Her face drops, her smile slowly fading away. It was amusing to watch her smile go from happy to terrified, I could tell she had recognised my last name. She stuttered when she started talking again, causing me to slightly giggle. It was honestly pretty funny to watch her get so nervous around us, it kind of boosted my ego a little bit.

Our conversation ended by the bus finally stopping at our school, all of the students gathering up to get off the bus. Bill and I turn to each other, a smirk wiping across our faces in sync. Bill nodded, indicating to get off. We got up from our seats and walked towards the bus door before we turned around in sync. "Better see you later, Poppi" I smirked, licking my lip ring flirtatiously. The cheeks on her face went from pale to bright red, I was flattered.

Bill and I got off the bus, I watched Poppi & Lucia run towards the front door of the school. My heart melted. I wish Bill and I were as close as they were. Bill then turns to me, stopping in his tracks which made me snap out of my head.

"I don't think this plans gonna work Tom, think about it before you do something stupid again" Bill stressfully exclaimed, pushing me slightly

I pushed his hand off of my shoulder annoyedly "I don't care Bill quit the fucking wining, I know what I'm doing" I replied angrily. He sighs and walks off to the school gracefully, I just stared as he walked. I felt bad for being a dickhead towards him this morning, but he was really getting on my nerves. His anxiety and stress was projecting onto me, making me more and more anxious than I already was. Bill never really wanted to go with the plan our father made, but Bill was a-bit of a suck up to him, leaving me to do nothing but do whatever he wanted us too. I had no other choice.


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