Her Resting Time

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"You don't own me Tom" - "I do as I please" I spat as I threw his lip ring at his face, already fed up by the fact that my vagina was bleeding uncontrollably. I faced the door again, ready to throw a punch at anyone who got in my way of murdering the fuck out of that piece of shit.

I turned the door handle slowly, the screams of Lucia were no longer heard. The room was dead silent, which made me even more anxious and nervous. I turned around and locked Tom's door from the outside to make sure he couldn't stop me.

I walked about only one or two steps in front before I was in front of Bill's door, shaking with fear for what I was about to see when I opened that door.

I knocked on the door twice. "Bill? Lucia?" I mumbled, my voice cracking a bit. There was no response, which led me to no choice but to try and crack open the door. I turned it aggressively, soon realising he had locked it from the inside.

"Open the door Bill, I'm not fucking around!" I yelled, getting more infuriated yet anxious.

I still got no response, my heart beat was getting faster and faster.

"You have one more chance Bill, open the fucking door!" I yelled again, huffing and puffing from how weak I was getting.

"Fine, I'll open it myself!" I spat. I turned the door handle to my left and put my foot up against the door, pushing the door forwards as I turned the handle.

"C'mon you piece of shit, open!" I yanked at the door aggressively.

"Bro, can you just fucking open?! I yelled again.

"C'mon, c'mon, open motherfucker!" I yanked at the door once more before it flew wide open causing me to fly backwards into Tom's door.

"Fuck!" I whined, grabbing the back of my head from how hard the impact of the door hit me. I got back onto my feet instantly, rubbing my head as I slowly trailed towards the widely opened door.

I peaked around the door, the darkness of the room making it hard to make out what I was looking at. "Lucia? Are you there?" My voice cracked even more as tears formed into my eyes.

"Lucia? Is that you?" I mumbled stressfully. I turned to my left and turned the big light on, revealing to my eyes my biggest fear.

"LUCIA!" I ran towards her obvious unconscious body. "Lucia, Lucia!" I slapped her face to try and wake her up, but she wasn't budging.

"Don't do this to me Lucia, wake the fuck up!" I screamed, tears now streaming down my face. I looked down at her stomach as I felt a wet patch on my fingers. Multiple, which looked like stab wounds covering her entire stomach.

"What the fuck did he do to you?!" I screamed. "Wake up Lucia, you're okay, c'mon don't do this!" I slapped her face lighter the time, still getting no response.

I checked her pulse and put my ear to it. "You're still breathing, that's good" I said nervously. The image of my own twin sister, unconscious with multiple stab wounds in her stomach couldn't escape my mind the whole time I was with her, it was like I was already traumatised.

I sat next to her on the floor, her unconscious yet peaceful looking body just lying there. I stroked her face softly. "We're leaving this place Lucia, as soon as we get to the hospital we're going home, I promise" I stroked her face again as I wiped my own tears away, trying to be strong for the only person I gave a fuck about.

I felt a dark and evil presence lurking behind me, my heart instantly dropped to my stomach. "Poppi" The German accent spoke softly, his voice was like poison.

"Look what you've done Bill" I mumbled, a single one of tears dropping onto Lucia's face, I quickly wiped it away.

"But Poppi, I didn't-"

"Save it Bill, just go away" I turned around, now facing his tall figure. "Leave"

He scoffed, trying to make a fool of me. "Stop crying Poppi, she's fine" He spat with his arms crossed, no sorrow or regret with his words.

"We need to get her to the hospital, urgently" My voice cracked slightly. The word hospital made my stomach turn.

"We don't do hospitals, we have our own doctor" He interrupts. My stomach turned. "Great" I thought to myself. "Who's your doctor?" I questioned, my whole body now facing him.

"She's our personal doctor, she's great and will get Lucia fixed up in no time" His stance was more confident this time.

"We wouldn't even have to get a doctor out if you didn't stab her Bill, this is all your fault!" I yelled. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. "Look what you've done, how are you going to justify that!" I pointed to Lucia's stab wounds. "What did she do to deserve that, huh?!"

"I was just angry Poppi-"

"For what Bill, for fucking what? All because you and Tom got into an argument, you are so fucking lucky I don't understand German, you'd be dead right now!" I screamed as I stomped my feet.

Bill's eyes widened, indicating to me that he's now realised what he's done, realising how the hell he's going to justify to the doctor how she got those slices in her stomach. "Yeah, it suck's doesn't it Bill?" I snarled. I got up from the ground, blood covering my hands. Lucia's eyes were still open, so I closed them just so she could have some peace and quiet.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked concerned. I ignored his question and nudged past him, slightly hitting his shoulder with mine.

"Poppi!" He yelled. I turned around as he huffed and puffed. "I'm going to sleep" I rolled my eyes as I continued to walk to Tom's room.

"Where's Tom?" He continued. I rolled my eyes again, his voice was doing my absolute head in. "He's in here" I snarled again.

"Is he okay?" He questioned, worry with his words.

I smirked a little bit. "Come see for yourself"

Bill trailed himself behind me. I unlocked the door carefully, scared yet excited to see Bill's reaction to Tom and his broken lip. I opened the door widely, Bill peaking behind me.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Bill yelled as he pushed me out of his way and ran to Tom.

"I gave him a taste of his own medicine!" I spat, glaring at Tom as Bill examined his lip.

"Are you okay Tom?!" Bill exclaimed stressfully, patting Tom's busted lip.

"Get off of me Bill, I'm fine!" Tom yelled as he pushed Bill away from him. "Where's Lucia?"

I looked at Bill instantly, flaring my nostrils out of anger. "Care to explain?!" I yelled.

Tom just laughed as he looked back at Bill. "What did you do?" He chuckled.

Bill looked back at me as he licked his lips nervously."We can talk about that later-"

"No, no we cannot talk about it "later", we need to talk about it NOW!" I screamed.

"Don't you want the doctor to come?" Bill interrupted. He got me with that one, I had no energy nor interest to talk about Lucia's state at the moment.

"When can she come?" I asked, visibly irritated.

"Whenever she's available" He said, his eyes fury slowly glazing at me. His words were softer yet colder this time.

"Get her in asap" I finished. I opened the door and slammed it shut. I walked to Bill's room, just at the doorway as I slowly closed it. "I love you Lucia" I whispered before slamming Bill's door shut as-well.


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